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Everything posted by Brandyn

  1. No one could ever replace my Echo Sergeant! Will see you around. @ CocoisDead

    1. JordanBeatCoivd


      time will tell brother i will replace him

  2. the reason why the cops get there so quick is because it spawns right next to them. The airdrop is a randomly spawned event. Sometimes we have to fly across the map in a helicopter to even get to the nearest garage to pull vehicles from. You have the same opportunity to get there as we do. Also, whoever is patrolling in a huron is straight trolling. its aids to land quickly and holds a shit ton of people. Not sure who you saw or how many cops you saw patrolling in a huron but who ever does this is trolling. I get it if they die multiple times and go back to said location to fight the group of rebels that's understandable.
  3. I did not get away with it. Maybe if you took the time to read what was said you would see action was taken. I was dealt with the appropriate action seen by the Chief
  4. Congrats! @ Karma

    1. Karma


      Thanks Brando hope you restricted yourself from the casino irl 

  5. Congratulations Bagged Milk! @ Caden

  6. Do you like helping new players out? Helping them learn more about Olympus? Join the Support Team!

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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. 555555555


      Do you like helping teens who have no idea what they're doing with their life argue who VDM'd who in a specific situation and who owes who money? Join the Support Team! Join the Support Team! Join the Support Team!

    3. buckie


      @ xanx  it’s worse than that

    4. CaloomClark
  7. Congrats on Official Lego Builder @ Zeuse

    1. Zeuse


      Th-thanks man!!!

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