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Everything posted by TapTap

  1. "Make it something interesting, it's boring every year" blud ever change that sentence?
  2. Good luck, try to not get arrested anymore.
  3. Who y'all got? J Cole or Kendrick? 

    1. -dante-


      I think Cole gonna come with the heat but I hope this shit goes like 8 rounds. It’s about time we getting some heat from 2 of the best and not just em and mfers like mgk

  4. Happy birthday @ Jose Cuervo !

    1. Jose Cuervo

      Jose Cuervo

      21st about to go crazy!!

  5. If anyone has ever played Command Modern Operations and knows how to play hmu. I am LOST

  6. Congrats @ Milo ! Unsung hero of the server fr

    1. NokiaStrong


      Unsung but definitely hung

  7. Happy birthday @ JaydenB ! My brother, my wittle pookie koala bear. Finally old enough to drinK!

    1. JaydenB


      US trip inbound

  8. Happy birthday @ Lea ! Hope you had a good day surrounded by family and friends!

  9. @ Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup  Happy birthday old timer! Hopefully this year you wished for bad bunny

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Lol thanks dude! Nah, leave Bad Bunny out of this. He smells. 

  10. Goose or Crown are my goto. If I'm looking to get fucked up fast though with a good taste Tanqueray goes in.
  11. I want the 49ers to win cause fuck the chiefs and fuck taylor swift.. But realistically I know the chiefs are gonna win.
  12. @ Zeuse
  13. @ Marcus Happy black history month! Sorry about the past black king

  14. @ stayclaxxy  @ Toretto Congrats! Happy black history month!

  15. Issues tend to arise when people with horrible mentalities surround themselves with like minded individuals or those who fail to think for themselves. Where there is no chance for those who disagree to voice their opinions without fear of repercussions you now have for all intents and purposes a tyranny. Disagreements and conversations lead to change, good change. When a leader fails to listen to his subordinates and expects them to be parrots/robots and those people comply, you will have problems that currently plague the APD. These problems were not caused by a single person nor can be handled with the change of one person. These problems stem from a collection of individuals who refuse to think as individuals. TLDR; The problem cannot be solved with the removal of one person, those in the sAPD need to think as individuals and use common sense. Not be mockingbirds or the good ole boy club.
  16. Happy birthday @ WALT  just think 9months and however many years ago you were conceived! 

    1. nicole


      What needs to happen to be conceived...? 😵‍💫

    2. stayclaxxy


      "they be fuckin" is what I was told once. @ nicole

    3. TapTap
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