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Everything posted by TapTap

  1. Happy birthday @ Brandyn  ! You're finally old enough to vote now!

  2. Congrats @ Diamond @ Zombie Mall Cop both of you dont fuck up now.

    Anyone else interested in taking their contrib spots?



  3. Happy holidays you heathens, I hope y'all spent time with your families or with friends today. Remember to check up on your friends during the holidays, you never know what people are going through ❤️ 

    1. Snare


      Merry Christmas Man!

    2. -dante-


      You know how to say nice stuff❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓

    3. TapTap


      @dante Sometimes pussio

  4. Happy birthday to my favorite meheecan @ Super_Nova ❤️ 

  5. QOTD: "My forehead's heavy" - @ Server Lag

    1. Space Ranger

      Space Ranger

      The weight of a smooth brain is too much to bear

    2. -dante-


      Ngl server lag sound like he got a heavy forehead too

  6. Can I get a TLDR of this? b0ee0c32f6f4b5b2585519674ca19d80.png

    Drama is fun but 80 replies to a status update is crazy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. doubleueyeceekay


      the tnm created thread about a different issue got 104 replies before it got nuked by the communists in charge

    3. doubleueyeceekay


      in essence: mako man bad

      also: aegis chomping at the bit to lick boots

      also: mako allegedly deliberately implemented a bug which he told his gang mates about to abuse and exploit

      just the news reporter dont ban me or delete this comment mason

    4. -dante-


      Its the same storyline since like 2019, they just add more material every few months so we can all be entertained.

  7. Keep @ Dante  locked up 

    1. KermitZooicide
    2. -dante-


      You just wanna come visit me in lockup 

  8. Whoever complained about my name you're racist for not fucking w/ bad bunny


    Even @ Ryan  fucks w/ bad bunny

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hazardous
    3. -dante-


      all wrestling fans fuck w/ bad bunny now after this too 


    4. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      I am puertorican and think Bad Bunny is poop though. But hey I don't judge whoever listens to him. Whatever floats your boat. 😉 

  9. oh god who made this guy admin? @ Dante  (congrats, not really, still going to rob you pookie)

    1. -dante-


      at least now i can take it back ;D

    2. -dante-


      also you gotta play the game to rob me boo

    3. TapTap


      I only need 5 minutes a month to rob you, and Im spending 4 of those minutes choosing a song on spotify.

  10. Congrats!!!! BIGGEST COME UP! @ Milo

  11. Happy Birthday @ Milo !!!!

  12. Not only has it not changed but some LT's haven't made their times more than twice since 2022 ILL NEVER FORGET ICEMAN THO @ Iceman
  13. poor lad getting brain washed rn
  14. @ TheHeroNoob  Happy birthday daddy 😍 I wish I could uWu nuzzle you rn. Be a good kitten for me today 😚 besitos papi

  15. Cumpleanos feliz to my favorite power bottom! @ Hazardous

    1. Hazardous



  16. Based on my most recent trip to ADAPT (military AA) I would say I have you beat. Got caught when I bought a handle every other day.
  17. Map Designers are wanted right now! This month were offering great deals on easy points! Find out how here: 


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