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Everything posted by TapTap

  1. STOP @ Mighty  ABUSE! 

    1. Jeber


      @ Mighty  You need to stop your bullshit now!!!!!!!!!!!! Cease all negative actions now

    2. XOID
  2. CONGRATS BRITISH MAN! However I shall never bend my knee to a king >:L

    1. Zeuse


      Tyyyy ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

  3. Who here got Rocket League?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NokiaStrong


      @ TapTap im bad, you’re bad, it’s a match made in heaven

    3. Brandyn
    4. TapTap
  4. Happy birthday british man! @ Winters

    1. Winters
    2. Lea


      yes, Happy Birthday @ Winters I'm sorry I'm late. 🧁🧁

    3. Winters
  5. Unplug Mic Delete old drivers for your mic Replugin Redownload drivers

  7. Let's take some things into account: You sleep for 8 hours a day (the recommended amount) You work *USUALLY for a full time job anywhere from 8-12 hours >Keep in mind this is already 16-20 hours out of the day It takes time to shower, eat, drive to and from work etc... (We will call this about another hour to make it easy) > Now were up to 17-21 hours out of the day gone Excluding any other obligations a person may have now they have 3-7 hours left of free time. Time to themselves which I would like to think at least a portion of that time is simply relaxing, watching TV, going to the gym, etc. If they are getting started on player reports... Each player report, say it's for RDM, is 5 min a report if you simply watch the clip and do no further digging. No investigation at all. I have seen upwards of 99 player reports in one day waiting. That is a lot of time there. This is also excluding the number of compensation requests, general inquiries, and ban appeals. All of which take time. So yes, sometimes man you may have to wait. However if you go to the support tab and look on the right side you can see they have other people to respond to and as said above other obligations over this game. Just be patient homie and they will get to you. Three days is not a long time.
  8. Happy new years everyone! Thank y'all for making this past year enjoyable. Stay safe and remember to check in on your friends/loved ones. 🥳

  9. Happy birthday to my brotha!!! @ Super_Nova  

    1. Super_Nova



  10. @ Xlax Congrats on Medic of the month!!

  11. Congrats! @ Nate on Designer!

  12. Fuck TapTap!
  13. so long partner 😪 o7

  14. We work full time jobs, we have commitments outside of this video game. I am sorry YOU committed an action which now you have to wait to repent for. Due to certain reasonings (i.e. server rule breaks) not all sAPD can handle certain cases. As I have told you, as well as the rest of the sAPD have when you messaged us all, please be patient and it will get resolved.
  15. This past weekend, two people I know killed themselves. I understand this is a game but fr take care of yourself and your mental health. Speak up and speak out. idc who you are or what our past is you can always hmu. This game and real life are separate and I will never judge you based on our interactions on this game or what we talk about.

  16. Congrats @ notsodank !! My non canadian canadian friend

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