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Everything posted by Sho-Time

  1. Any big betters on ?

  2. For some reason I cant edit this but I'm also now buying Mar 10 lethals as well. WTB 10+ Spars 20+ MX's 20+ Stings and any and all corp+ weapons! Thread is still active!
  3. I'll buy it. any1 else?
  4. Post how many tasers your willing to sell and a price below. (preferably 10+ at a time)
  5. Holy download speed.
  6. Sho-Time

    s1 kav house

    How much?
  7. Oof, I've been Sho since before you were alive
  8. 18m bet right now Server 1 PM me

    1. Dicky


      *Name has been changed to BrokeTime*

    2. Sho-Time


      Look at the stats page I'm winning boi

    3. Dicky


      Ah yes, I’ve taught you well, my son.

  9. Gz @Civak, @Zahzi. Now can someone fix stat pages?

    1. Zahzi


      I've been working on a rewrite of lifecontrol/stats page that'll be more flexible, functional, stable, and faster. Hopefully will have the "basic" stats functionality done in the next few weeks 🙂 

    2. Ryan


      He said weeks, it means it will come out when our FiveM server comes out :kappa:

  10. @buckie is the future support team lead. Change my mind

  11. Imagine a medic demon, how autistic that would be.
  12. o7
  13. Say less thanks
  14. Can someone southernize this for me. I dont understand
  15. Sho-Time


    07 my dude, go get that 392 irl.
  16. Still Its not like since I have millions of dollars, I now am a stronger player. I still only have a SUPER limited selection of stuff to pick from. My money is completely betting fodder.
  17. People play this game to make money and have fun with that money, I really dont understand why everyone hates the income on cops. I cant just go buy 10 titans and a LIM and kill everyone lmfao. Cops are already super restricted as it is to limit ways of making money but a flat cut to everything is harsh.
  18. o7 Toxic shitter idk why I talk to you.
  19. I would like to enter
  20. Just finished the setup in my office with my final monitor so pls dont roast me fo not having anything on the walls yet I know so blandddddddddd. PC is behind the middle monitor Specs:
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