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Everything posted by Sho-Time

  1. Idk much about the current sAPD, but what issues are intrinsic to Winters being chief or any of our current sAPD?
  2. Oh god, im really late but GZ @ Rossco & @ HeadLESS

  3. Any BDO players? 

    1. Ron


      fucking weeb who plays that shit

    2. Skys


      lahn goes hard

  4. #FreeCrenshaw Idk what he did but free him.
  5. Where is the crenshaw option?
  6. 👀

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Coconut


      I knew you can’t stay away. You decided what gang you joining?

    3. Millennium
    4. Sho-Time


      @ Millennium  Eww they gave you staff? :pepega:


      Jk hi

  7. @Rossco is my gay lover.

    1. Rossco


      You caught us 🥳

  8. o7 Bruh
  9. Can I get my restrictions lifted?
  10. #FreeRexoToo


    1. Diamond Drop

      Diamond Drop

      YAH! The only thing he did wrong was getting caught!

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      They cant unban Rexo. They were only able to unban you due to affirmative action

  11. My nigga, good luck out there in the streets. o7
  12. We back.


    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sho-Time


      not like this,

      just let me play apd again


    3. Sho-Time
    4. Zurph


      what did i say?


  13. Hbd Fat @Billeh 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sho-Time


      I'll give you 50

    3. Billeh


      Ill do it for 50 if @Hurricane does 10 as well

    4. Sho-Time


      I'll put the cash up for both of yall @Hurricane

  14. Since all the @rabid hate is going on I'd like to bring forth my earlier proposition. I will send 200 American Dollars (or what ever that transfers to in Maple syrup money) to Rabid if posts a video of him doing 10 push-ups. I'll use any Admin+ as a middleman. 

    Lets #MakeOlympusHealthyAgain! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      I'll do a full prt for money.

    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @Monks I offered you Corporal for the small price of a backflip and you pussied out.

        lil BISH

    4. Creepy


      I'm happy to middle-man this

  15. Every time i try to quit an ad catches me

  16. Rah Kill Staff Sergeant. You'll be missed
  17. @Hurricane Happy birthday friend 🙂

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