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One Shot Dont Miss
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Everything posted by LateWeevil

  1. Well it was fun playing with everyone over the years this is my sign to call it here wish everyone luck have a good day and have a good one 

    @ Hazardous
    @ Kaotic

    @ xsmitherz

    @ Brandyn

    @ Rexo

    @ Caden

    thank for the amazing years  in the apd you guys were amazing thank you for giving me an amazing opportunity 

    @ Blue Shirts keep grinding 

    @ knifemaster have fun bud you got this 

    @ Doke was fun being in fog 


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. TeXx


      At least it wasn't boxy/murdercase that got you. 🫡 (Good luck man)

    3. LateWeevil


      @ Element_ just give me time gonna get this resolved 

    4. Tman15tmb


      Ah man.. Why do the good ones have to leave?!

      Take care man. I don't blame you for taking a break. The server is pretty stagnant at this time. Same shit, different day.

  2. congrats @ Mila for coming out new you would come out sooner than later

  3. APD at it again


    1. Kodakk


      Typical APD going after the new players

    2. MAV


      those new players, with titans and full mk-1 kits, robbing some guy doing silver.......

  4. Here comes the tasers Shit I saw fredo coming to an airdrop I was in I said naw they can have it
  5. Happy holidays for every one Milo Can you not break anything else though
  6. congrats @ Treebeard  and welcome to Echo Squad @ Kaotic well deserved

  7. TRUMP 2024 BABY
  8. Gotta be cleaning up these streets of those criminals 


    1. Gazz


      doing gods work 

    2. C H I E F

      C H I E F

      Wait a damn second... whos that Chief guy ? There can only be one... 

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