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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. 07. Peter, you and I had a rough start, but we got through it and became good partners. You've taught me so much over the past year and I thank you for that. I will miss you. I don't know what to say right now, dude. Take care and don't be a stranger.
  2. Just goes to show how fucking ignorant Remer is when he says ComradeGoonie is in MC. Jesus ChristTheNight.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Everyone is secretly in MC. Its just a huge conspiracy.

    3. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      What if i told you Fat Clemenza wasn't fat at all. He's buff and goes to the gym 5 days a week for 4 hours??? It's true :)

    4. ComradeGoonie
  3. I passed LAPD's written exam!!!12809515_1143025955743641_10757091789779


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Muthinator


      As long as he can say he is not racist without lying hes good.  Congrats bud.

    3. ComradeGoonie


      TBH though that "Congratulations" looks very suspicious. The only thing that would make it better if it was word art. :P 

    4. babooshka


      congrats bud

  4. I half-expected to see something in violation of California Penal Code Section 311.1 in this post, but I was wrong, hahaha!
  5. I'll pay you $1Mil for it. Where's your house?




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Did your chopper stay there all reset? I DCed about 15-30 minutes afterward and it was still there lying on its side, rotors spooled up and everything, hahaha!

    3. cuzzicann


      Yeah at least 3 hours and then someone came along and saved it somehow and chopped it! Boss heli take off wish I saw it :/ lol

  7. 12oz Filet Mignon - Medium Rare Lobster Tail Potatoes au gratin
  8. Killed a wabbit! c49fb2a2ef5919398805178e51f234b7.jpg



    1. BENJI




      Poor rabbit

    2. badaim


      You're LOCO MAN

  9. GA Rigs? Really? What's next month going to be? Donate for Sergeant?

  10. We've still got the snow falling on the forums, but it's 90 Fahrenfuckinheit in Southern California! What the fuck, over?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lilceemoney


      M8 it is 20 degrees in NY and alot of snow

    3. Fedot
    4. ComradeGoonie


      Bloody Californians, never satisfied. :P 

  11. Valentine's Day with Ms. Remington, Ms. Savage, Ms. Weatherby, Ms. Stoner, and Ms. Glock. 99af0efe52c75363a83beaa508cda087.jpg

  12. M3kka https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/ is a city in Saudi Arabia. All of the Muslims are required to go on a pilgrimage to to worship and walk round the Kabba at least once in their lives in order to get to Allah in the afterlife. Saying something is like a M3kka for pizza-lovers or in our case, M3kka for gamers, means everyone should go there and see what it's all about. No idea why we're called Olympus while having the motto of M3kka For Gamers. Greek mythology shouldn't be mixed with goat-fucking faggotry. EDIT: LOL! I can't correctly spell M3kka because the website filters it out due to the now defunct server of the same name. What a joke; you've blurred out your own motto. Seriously! What the fuck is up with this bullshit Stalinist censorship you've implemented on the forums and in-game chat. Where the fuck is your spine? The game's rated M for a reason.
  13. C'mon, Tristan. It's sort of hard to type in side chat when you're barreling down the road at Formula 1 speeds or when you're flying a few metres above the water at, again, Formula 1 speeds. Furthermore, Dezree's already said that it's not required of the medics to keep their patients informed. It's only a courtesy. It's a nonissue in my opinion. I too have my gripes with R&R, but I'll not voice them as it's not my business.
  14. I wouldn't worry about the doors opening and closing. It's just an animation. I tested it with my strider; I tried shooting at the occupants inside the vehicle when the doors were open, I tried shooting people on the other side of the vehicle when the doors were open, and I tried throwing a flash bang into the crew compartment. The rounds along with the flash-bang bounced off of the opening; it's as if the doors aren't open at all. Depending on who you are, it's either a really good thing, or it's a really bad thing.
  15. Full-time student as well, buddy. Administration of Justice and Public Administration. What's that got to do with your fixation on MCPD? It's keeping you up at night. Your threads speak for themselves.
  16. 4.0 GPA in high school, huh? Surely you took the short bus to school. 4.0 in college? Must be your first semester. I'll stand by what I said earlier; if you actually believe that MCPD is anything more than a conspiracy theory, then you have a few screws loose. There's no doubt about that.
  17. Joke's on you, idiot. I'm not the one kicking the dead horse that is the myth of MCPD. Life is hard; It's harder if you're stupid.
  18. You are positively the most retarded person I have ever had the displeasure of meeting. You'll not be missed.
  19. We did have those once upon a time. No idea what happened to them, but it'd be nice to bring them back. I think an increase in bounty prices by at least 50% would have to happen after the market buff anyways. That combined with doubling the crime if committed in a safe zone would be cool.
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