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Fat Clemenza

Retired Chief
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Status Updates posted by Fat Clemenza

  1. Moob is pro-Palestine. Fuck you, Moob. 

  2. Cruz dropped out! The Donald's got it boys.

  3. Locked and hid the thread? Unsportsmanlike conduct. 5-yard penalty; automatic 1st Down. Unlock and un-hide that thread. It was a sterling piece of literature. 

  4. 07 Peter. A roast that can be hard-hitting, yet subtle due to eloquence and delivery is a rarity in this community. I'd say that was medium-rare. Good job. 

  5. Checked into my hotel room for the night. LAPD Background Interview's tomorrow at 0700. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ComradeGoonie


      Always shoot the suspect as your rounds only taze and won't kill anyone.

    3. Phizx


      Probable cause to search? Hmm let me check the olympus forums real quick Kappa

    4. RogueMK


      Good luck man hope you put on your reference that your cheif of police here! Surely that's instant promotion haha 

  6. Outshot everyone at the range despite the sights on my gun being way off. 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Muthinator


      The real question is, would you have shot the same with the sites being centered?

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Would've shot better. I was having to hold left of centre to print in the red. I was still managing hand-sized groups at 7yds which is adequate. Other people that had carbines and were shooting two-foot groups at the same distance.

    4. ComradeGoonie


      "Other people that had carbines and were shooting two-foot groups at the same distance. "


  7. Eating my body weight in sushi again. Still worth. 

  8. I think I may have just eaten my body weight in sushi...

    1. Natsirt











    2. Dejay


      900 lbs of sushi. Thats a lot

  9. Really? We can't down-vote posts? Go back to the way it was. We need a way to voice our dissent without having to roast people.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lethal


      LOL, who was the bitch boy complaining? fucking SJW's ruin everything

    3. QKSILVR73
  10. I think if you're going to smash-talk medics, you should probably try playing the faction first. I get they have their downsides, but calling them a retarded faction is a bit much.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. krypton


      Try playing civ...it probably wouldn't go well for you.

    3. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      I've got 30k minutes on Civ. I'm well aware of the problems in R&R. I am in agreement with the addition of defibrillators, but they have to be highly regulated. Just don't put all of the blame on R&R, and for the love of Christ, don't get rid of them.

    4. krypton


      Exactly Alwayz...it's not like defibbed will be easy necesarilly.

      I want medics to still exist...but right now everyone is saying adding defibs Will kill medics...it wont!!

  11. Just goes to show how fucking ignorant Remer is when he says ComradeGoonie is in MC. Jesus ChristTheNight.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. John Wayne

      John Wayne

      Everyone is secretly in MC. Its just a huge conspiracy.

    3. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      What if i told you Fat Clemenza wasn't fat at all. He's buff and goes to the gym 5 days a week for 4 hours??? It's true :)

    4. ComradeGoonie
  12. I passed LAPD's written exam!!!12809515_1143025955743641_10757091789779


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Muthinator


      As long as he can say he is not racist without lying hes good.  Congrats bud.

    3. ComradeGoonie


      TBH though that "Congratulations" looks very suspicious. The only thing that would make it better if it was word art. :P 

    4. babooshka


      congrats bud





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      Did your chopper stay there all reset? I DCed about 15-30 minutes afterward and it was still there lying on its side, rotors spooled up and everything, hahaha!

    3. cuzzicann


      Yeah at least 3 hours and then someone came along and saved it somehow and chopped it! Boss heli take off wish I saw it :/ lol

  14. Killed a wabbit! c49fb2a2ef5919398805178e51f234b7.jpg



    1. BENJI




      Poor rabbit

    2. badaim


      You're LOCO MAN

  15. GA Rigs? Really? What's next month going to be? Donate for Sergeant?

  16. We've still got the snow falling on the forums, but it's 90 Fahrenfuckinheit in Southern California! What the fuck, over?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lilceemoney


      M8 it is 20 degrees in NY and alot of snow

    3. Fedot
    4. ComradeGoonie


      Bloody Californians, never satisfied. :P 

  17. Valentine's Day with Ms. Remington, Ms. Savage, Ms. Weatherby, Ms. Stoner, and Ms. Glock. 99af0efe52c75363a83beaa508cda087.jpg

  18. Fushitty on Cop



  19. All of these idiots complaining about how cops don't RP, but when we go the extra mile to RP, we get shot. It's a two-way street, people. Want us to RP? Then don't have your entire gang come to break you out when you get caught.

    1. SPBojo


      cops actually wants to rp now? holy fuck, how long have i been away.... jk! cops <3 Junior Deputy SPBojo :3

    2. Joel


      I think its the civs not RPing Telling cops to RP :D

  20. No matter how many threads you make lambasting our axing of Ace's tilde guideline, we'll not got back on our decision. Let's get down to the brass tacks. You want the tilde guideline to be reinstated so you can go back to the whole "I don't have a face, I don't have fingerprints, I don't have a wallet, etc." You just want a way out of paying a ticket. Here's a tip. When the cops catch you, accept your loss and come up with a feasible story to get you a reduced ticket or even a pardon. Tilde guideline is gone for good. It was good on paper, but terrible in practice, just like liberalism and communism.

  21. Compton

    1. T3x4sSl4y3r1776


      3/10 status spam, could have been better

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