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Everything posted by Aceee

  1. @ TapTap You held down Alpha well Time to go get my squad back xD
    1. Clashingtin


      did he finally get corp?

    2. Eddy Spagooti

      Eddy Spagooti

      finally got corp now i am complete

  2. Facts
  3. Silla will never replace DB as the Best Gang to ever grace Kavala, you scats do you but don't even think Silla has anything compared to DB back in the day. Simple Facts
  4. Congrats @ notsodank Well deserved bossman!

  5. Been fun seeing you in TS again man
  6. Happy Birthday!!! @ Doc

  7. Happy Birthday Brother! @ TapTap Have a good one ❤️

    1. TapTap



  8. Congratulations!!! @ Iceman

  9. Congrats @ Rexo well done bruddha

  10. Can't wait to see how this goes, better be a good video my guy, good luck xD
  11. Congrats @ TapTap well deserved my guy ❤️

  12. Aceee


    @ Twizlerz
  13. Good times playing with you bro back in the day, o7
  14. Waffle, you did a brilliant job on this my guy, well done my good sir
  15. The people have spoken xD
  16. Same gang as you moron
  17. Waffle Waffle's too much man, thinks he is a Wolf and sits in Kav all day, definitely needs the timeout
  18. As much as I fucking hate sharking, I approve, dented cunts roam this server everywhere you go lmfao
  19. o7 Boss!
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