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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Phizx

  1. DIV William must've had a great experience at Gang Wars 

    1. Superiorr


      lol I would have been so tilted :PJSalt:

  2. Good luck to all the gangs fighting in the war today :D

  3. What the fuck is this thread
  4. https://gyazo.com/d2d0094619de658c12e262eb22b14752

    Can we get this by gang wars? Or maybe implement them on the server we have for gang wars and then add them later on in the public servers

    @Poseidon @McDili @Grandma Gary @Peter Long

  5. How much is left to meet the donation goal? hmmmmm 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ham


      The same amount of times I've been hit offline today. So, about 80 dollars.

    3. BENJI


      Atleast 66 dollars. 11% of around $600 = 66, idk the exact donation amount.

    4. Ham


      The donation amount was 669$ 12 percent of that is 80.24 or something like that.

  6. Over 50% earned on the donation goal since yesterday. I guess listening to the community is beneficial. I'd donate to have big towers back too ;)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      We had a Rust server. Went kaput. 

    3. Orgondo


      It went kaput because it was on an absolute shit provider. DDoS got it daily. But Poseidon was thinking about bringing it back at some point.

    4. Tom


      I donated 15 for mk1s! Keep it comming :D

  7. Too early to be buying Tanoa houses, who knows what's gonna be moved around lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dejay


      there is over 2k buyable houses on tanoa. The only thing you are limited by is only being able to own two houses

    3. Phizx


      No , I meant people are already buying houses near rebels. We don't know if the current locations are gonna be good enough  not to be moved so some people might've just fucked themselves

    4. Augustus


      @Dejay Yeah, I have to agree with that. I was more talking about how in towns, such as Georgetown, has barely any houses, considering most of them aren't enter able/too large to buy. 

  8. Ifrits , helis , other vehicles and rearming. Definitely a +1 for warzone outpost. Hopefully they listen to us this time instead of a compromise like epi-pens kappa
  9. @G.O.A.T. 

    Fucking KEK lmfaooo

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BENJI


      You should've watched his stream last night, funniest shit I've seen in awhile.

  10. WELCOME BACK!!!!!! HYPE HYPE HYPE @Maverick

  11. Shoutout to @Oman Nuski Qatar for the dank TS banner


    For business inquiries you know where to call ;)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CheeseGrater


      free service or do you expect donations?

    3. Phizx


      Donations are appreciated, but our very skilled artist will work for charity. 

    4. Nuski
  12. What even... LOL Love me weathers Have fun bud <3 Hope to see you in December if im still around
  13. Sergeant for a whole album? I think yes
  14. Holy shit all the memes in that status update. Sure wasn't expecting that one #unlockthethread #IHaveMemesToPost #FlameWars1 #FlameWars2016 #HashtagsForLikes

  15. We weren't as mad as we actually sounded haha. This was like 3 in the morning so we were exhausted. It was hilarious

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Tedro


      thats the first thing you said that is the truth im almost proud of u young padawan

    3. Joel


      Have another memory leak @Linka;) 

      Jk, no hurt?  I would prefer not to be the one being roasted but the one doing the roasting.

    4. Tedro


      call me the keyboard warrior @Linka @Joel @Phizx i go through keyboards like i go through bitches..... (not many)

  16. Make this example as good as possible. He's totally not gonna use it we just wanna see your better work
  17. I gotta say this "Disciplinary Library" is probably one of the best ideas we've had for APD in terms of action against officers.

  18. Large Storage Crates available for purchase



  19. Talindor the sergeant for Charlie and Bravo? Must have aced that test this time around :) Congrats!

    1. Talindor
    2. 10K


      how many times did it take ? 

    3. Talindor
  20. +1 If your hungry you can even put some chicken next to it as well. It'll be a great time in the oven
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