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Everything posted by Talindor

  1. Thanks for this post guys.
  2. I didn't buy it, I just told him the os was shite!
  3. Lol omg you bipolar little shite!
  4. The reason I know this, was because I was at the mall, and they had a windows 10 promotion stand in the store and I wanted to complain to the Microsoft tech in glasses about how much their windows 8 sucks. I told them that their pre-loaded crap apps take up a lot of cpu and google browser was taking up like a lot even being open and idle. So he showed me the differences and that windows 10 barely even uses CPU when accessing internet browser and apps that they come with.
  5. Not only that, but the new os system uses less cpu as like for instances with Google chrome browsers. Windows 8-8.1 when you open google, it uses 10-15 % cpu, windows 10, 5-6 %.
  6. Peter; 1. Where do ya live? 2.How's da weather? 3.^Are you a mighty, mighty, just letting it all hang out? 4.Do you lift bro? (mouse does not count) last but not least..... 5. If Apple made a car, would it have windows? *bows*
  7. They have their reasons I guess, but since then donator perks that are released per month go to all players given the goal is met.
  8. I dished 310, I wish I will dish more when I can. I think I dished a little more not to sure.
  9. Yea! Thanx Bohemia!!!!! No really we did awhile back. But Bohemia prohibits this. Has to be a perk for everyone now.
  10. Please visit our Teamspeak and our support staff will be able to assist you further. If you got kicked/ban for harassment, then submit a ban appeal. The forums is not a place for it.
  11. YES!!!!!!! I get to go home at 3pm today!! TGIF!

  12. What these guys said.
  13. Was outside smoking and watched the secretary walk around in circles bent over like she slipped a disk. I asked her if she is ok, to which she replied, "Trying to figure out how to play pokemon gone!"  *rolls eyes* walks back into office.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. TheSkyStarKnight
    3. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary


    4. Dejay


      Tell her next time to go buy a pokemon in the store and try throwing it at the pokemon

  15. Also can be viewed for educational purposes as well, as Tai pointed out. Can teach officers the consequences for their chosen actions when breaking rules and guidelines that are in place.
  16. Hamomoose gave me mine, Always remember your first....
  17. I waited a week and a half in 2014
  18. Hate to see you go, thank you for all you have done Djwolf you will be missed. o7
  19. Or just turn yourself into the derrrrpitiiieeesss.
  20. I didn't see this as a complaint, I see this as a new member of our community offering an opinion introducing themselves.
  21. Everyone has a different opinion and expresses their version of how they Roleplay on Olympus. Players on Olympus have the freedom to role play as much or as little as they want. One cannot enforce roleplay on an individual as that would control how they play on the servers and no one wants to play a game that controls their actions and choices. However if the chosen roleplay and actions do not follow the rules and guidelines that are set in place, then it would be handled accordingly. Muthinator's right we are not always there so we cannot catch every encounter or situation, however we do have a community that enjoys the servers and helps out by issuing tickets and reporting those that break rules. I'm glad you are enjoying Olympus so far and welcome to the community. If you have any questions, concerns, or need help, hop in the Olympus team speak and visit our Support center. Teamspeak3 IP: olympus.ts.nfoservers.com
  22. New bug, CSAT Helmets when bought removes night vision headset. However when you press "n" It activates night vision without that accessory.
  23. @Bubbaloo Burrito

    Had to translate english to spanish to one of the employees for meh boss, my broken splingish is good!

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    2. Talindor


      he asked me what I said, I told him you approved a raise hee hee :)

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