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About Bacardi

  • Birthday April 12

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. Pls unban me

    1. Brennan


      You need to fax tiger your IP and you will be unbanned very shortly.

  2. I’m not dead

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orgondo


      He's been here much much longer than you Proud... Dear god please tell me you aren't coming back too, Reindeerkitten just came back ffs

    3. Bacardi


      @Orgondo NO WAY I MISS THAT MAN, and that’s classified. I’ll let you know I’m not the kid that left here back in 2014/15 after my perm ban, I’ve actually done some great things with my life so far and matured quite a lot. Best of hunting to ya!;)

    4. Colin L

      Colin L

      @Proud You only have a year under your belt you stinky proud dont act special

  3. 32 minutes til i rek server 1

    1. Gucci Mane

      Gucci Mane

      One does not simply rek server 1.

    2. Dustin87


      that when your ban up?

    3. Bacardi


      Dustin get lost troll ive been unaban for a week you salty

  4. Was back for 5 minutes from a ban last night some kids already going comp or ban lmao xD

  5. Its this magical thing called a JOKE maybe you should look it up and have a sense of humor APTree is just what we call our APD members. Nothing more, calm down.
  6. hey i have a nvidia 970 and its beautiful 4gb
  7. *Southern RP voice* *Goddamnit Pablo wth were you thinking now the whole Tree will be after you...* GG
  8. People actually think I'm 11 on the forums GG xD

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