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Everything posted by Shadexz

  1. If U think about it silla has enough members in their gang to take up all 140 slots they can legit take the server
  2. tbh i got a corsair keyboard best i have ever had
  3. Shadexz


    I have a 3080
  4. Shadexz


    Any1 know y my screen just cuts out and I can’t see anything farthe (not my overall view I put it at 12k and it didn’t change).
  5. Your like the ends on a loaf of bread. Nobody wants you
  6. Capture.PNG.b5af4f72ca91f3712e67ff6809dbac9d.PNG m8 if ur gonna post an o7 than leave

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Jordan540


      @Monks  😀

      edit: nvm 2017 lol

    3. Monks


      @Grandma Gary lmao had to stop by and see how far the server has fell, surprised to see it's still going tbh so gj mate! 

      Also lmao @Jordan540

  7. Say 1 word after Sumone else and make a story The
  8. Imgur: The magic of the Internet
  9. Happy National Empanada Day!
  10. betting 30m on green not giving a fuck waking up the next day wanting to kms
  11. How much per
  12. u act like i care bout my social status lel
  13. was playin airsoft in my backyard and my fuckin karen neighbor called the cops any1 else got airsoft stories?
  14. If you enjoy a form of cancer slowly creeping up your spine than yes come back
  15. o7 lookin for attention lol
  16. Didn't you quit? You never fucking go away
  17. Plane runs is probably the one thing in this game that takes actual skill to do. It’s fun af for ppl to be able to fly and make money. U nerf it u take out the risk & reward factor and kill plane runs again go ahead lol tbh ppl just butthurt that you need actual skills for this
  18. Shhhhhhh don’t point out it’s op
  19. I know right? Those fucking gay bois Or girls*
  20. Bro you realize that 70% of the time your either crashing your 300k plane or getting it robbed by 4 campers at the same time right? Also 200k is the max 80% of the time u get 130k profit. U want to kill what’s left of this game sure go for it
  21. curious
  22. Who has it
  23. relatable
  24. should I be surprised if you are holding a house of sdars in there
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