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Matt (Barbosa)

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  1. I'm actually a Shitterologist, an expert in Shitterology and the strict religion; Shitteranity. I am well aware of the accusations concerning Mr. Long and I can firmly say he is a 3Rip quality shitter. Enjoy the ban.
  2. Goodbye Ace, thank you for all your efforts at this community <3
  3. I can die happy now. I have heard Taxi Marty speak <3

    1. RambleR


      best *Thank You* i have ever heard!

  4. Anyone interested in trading CSGO skins for Altis cash? DM if so :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. D3V1L


      Are you pulling a Goldberg here where I give skin and you give Altis money or we doing it like Eb w/ I give money and you give skin?

    3. Winters


      Goldberg is the king on that.

    4. Matt (Barbosa)

      Matt (Barbosa)

      @D3V1L like Eb. Still haven't recovered from McDildo raiding my house for 7 mill worth of gear. Couldn't even afford a loadout last night for the jailbreak ;-; Can't do runs cuz of shitty internet during quiet hours

  5. Finally unboxed a knife. Fac new M9 Bayonet doppler. Praise Gaben

    1. D3V1L


      Trade it for my st fn boreal forest gut knife. It has a rare pattern and is worth 400 keys. Trust me not a scam and you send first.

  6. One of the options for NZ's new flag looks like the ISIS flag. *Grabs popcorn*

  7. "Adam vigilante hands up" Adam: "Uhhh how do you know my name? Fail RP much. Enjoy the ban faggot"  Sigh...

  8. Fuck it, let's give APD Slammers and Wipeouts while we're at it.
  9. Turned in my badge for the time being. Hopefully will return to the APD when I have the time <3

    1. Jorbis


      Best of luck man, hopefully we'll see you back at some point.

  10. Memorial service for my kavala house next week. Please attend and pay your respects to the $5 Mill worth of scatting gear.

  11. When you make $120 profit on a CSGO tradeup :'D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Det. Payne
    3. D3V1L


      :o Those Icarus's come in different phases just like dopplers and their prices vary
    4. Matt (Barbosa)
  12. Hands up or die by barbosa
  13. YESSS civilian fixed wing aircraft!
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