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Everything posted by Lea

  1. Happy Birthday @ Noble ! 🧁🧁🧁🧁

  2. Go be happy. No matter what. Life is too short for anything less. All the cupcakes!
  3. Omg it's my favorite time of the month Romcom to watch!
  4. Happy Birthday @ Rafa ! Have a great day! 🧁🧁

  5. Happy Birthday @ Orbit 🧁

    Otter Eating GIF

    1. Orbit


      Thank you Lea!

  6. Happy Birthday @ Weaz ! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

    1. Weaz


      thank you for the cupcake lea, hope all is well with you 😀

  7. Uhhhh... Why are we congratulating Milo?


    Also, Congratulations @ Milo !🧁

  8. Great job lady and gentlemen!
  9. Good morning! Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! It was pretty good! 

    1. knifemaster


      happy late birthday to my bestie on the medics!!!!!

  10. Happy Birthday, birthday twin! Miss you! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

  11. Welcome! If you want to be solo and get to know the map and make a few quick dollars. Start with driving dp missions or flying them. If you do get a hover or be titaned text definitely hover..or take the risk. But you can do dp missions with nothing but a car so if you get robbed/killed just respawn elsewhere and start over. They are only very profitable for the first little bit you play. You can, also, start with Athira as there's a tutorial. RNR can be helpful and support team and staff should be able to assist you. But the best thing you can do is make friends and join a gang and learn the ropes.
  12. That Jason Kelce speech though! ❤️❤️😭😭😭 

    1. Tman15tmb


      I'll miss him and this was the year I became a big fan thanks to his podcast. Wish I would have got to see him play one more year. Eagles went on a big decline though so I can't blame him for choosing to retire.

  13. Hope both of you gentlemen had wonderful birthdays and many more to come! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

    @ Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

    @ Mighty

  14. I rarely drink these days but when I was younger.. 1. Buffalo Trace Bourbon cream. Chill it or serve on the rocks. Tastes like chocolate milk. 2. My old standby is Captain and Coke. 3. Glenlivet 12yr is a good scotch. Any scotch is good though. Just pair it with a good cigar. 4. Cider Boys is an excellent choice, any flavor, for hard cider and great alternative to disgusting beer
  15. Hey there! We met this morning!
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