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Everything posted by Lea

  1. Happiest of Birthdays my dear  @ hawk ! 🧁🧁🧁 Have your best one yet! 

    1. hawk


      Thanks mom of olympus

  2. FUCK YEAH! @ Noble you had me sweating!



    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Lea


      @ -Shawn- 😇😇 it was used in proper reference to the two admin who start with the letter N. 😝

    3. Lea
    4. ThatNerdyGuy


      I was right about 3 just not who

  3. Literally cried this morning when I realized that my late husband's Chiefs jacket hasn't been moved down here yet. And I may well sacrifice three hours of driving to get it this afternoon. As much as I was raised to be a Lions fan, it's Chiefs Kingdom here! One thing our daughters and I talk about is how he would feel about one of his favorite players dating their favorite singer. I wish I could say that I enjoyed the season but it is at times painfully difficult as it was one of the things we looked forward to doing together.
  4. Omg @ -Shawn- Happy Birthday!

    cupcake GIF

    1. -dante-


      Cupppcakkesss let’s gooooo

  5. Ah, drama goes so well with my coffee in the morning. @ Grandma Gary perhaps add it to the vdm rules that blocking vehicles can be rammed by APD so that the rules lawyers who know better anyway and are just trying to start an issue have one less avenue. I'm not calling you stupid, @ doubleueyeceekay , but you can't sit here and say that you did not expect something like that to happen when you did it. You are better than this. Although, I will agree with you that @ knifemaster could have handled the situation differently, he was well within his rights not to. At the end of the day I do agree with @ Winters sage advice, "Play stupid games, win stupid prizes" and you would do well to apply that to all areas of life not just video games. Finally, two wrongs don't make a right, remember that.
  6. So for my hundredth birthday this year do you want:




    1. Car Show? 


    2. Ladies Night? (femboys cross dressers, and fingernail painters welcome😎

    3. Fraali to finally give me a script so I can leg anyone at any time.. Especially on s3... Okay, so maybe that's just what I want.. I can already hear the desktops being flipped.. If I die just know that I'm coming back as some random Arma bug that does that 😎

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Ladies night, me @ T o b y  & @ FaXe  will be there in our fishnets

    3. Skys


      @ johnny goose can i come in my mini skirt and thigh highs?

    4. johnny goose
  7. The people who are banned that come help me move should get an unban for community service.. Just saying... 🤣🧁

  8. @ monster , your tiny fan is so happy for you, congrats! 🧁

    @ Sevro , about time! Congrats on the step up! 🧁

  9. ILY so much. Have the best day ever! Happy Birthday @ GracieGirl ! 🧁🧁

    1. GracieGirl



  10. Happy Birthday @ Decimus

    1. -dante-


      but wheres the cupcake?? 

    2. Lea


      Uhhhh.. Idk it was like 5am when I posted this. I was mentally preparing to say goodbye to my work family of the past ten years. It's a lot but I'm so ready for this new beginning! I actually owe @ Decimus a quilt and have for at least two years now. 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

  11. Congrats Mister John Beard.. Please don't titan me... 🙏🙏🙏🙏

    @ SheriffJohnBeard


    1. SheriffJohnBeard


      thank you thank you 🙂  I won't lol we appreciate all friendly medics 👩‍⚕️👨‍⚕️

  12. A year ago today my whole world detonated. I had known for about three years that this day would come and I spent every day on the train wreck bracing for impact but not a single thing I did could prepare me for watching him take his last breath. What was, also, unexpected was a little toxic gaming community and how they reached out and held me through the tragedy, and still do. Thank you for everything. I want you to know how much that simple memorial means to me. I sit at it every time I log in, especially as I have given his ashes to be with our daughters. In the weeks after while I was sifting through the ashes of my life, sitting in the discord and TS channels were the only normal thing I had to hang onto while I adjusted to the absence of sound and presence. That's truthfully the most painful part when everyone goes home and the silence settles over your home. So thank you for letting me hang out with you all year.  Actually, thank you for letting me escape the hell I've lived through the past few years. 

    You deserve to know that I am happy now despite the grief. I had to keep moving forward, hell my work alloted 3 whole days of bereavement leave. So I kept moving forward and in a week I'm moving and selling my house and living happily ever after. I'm not sure how much I'll be around in the future, but I will always hold a seat at my table for you and you can always reach me for the traditional mom advice/cupcake/racial slur on here or discord. 


    1. proud


      im proud of you lea, i genuinely mean it. life gave you a bump and you didnt only climb over it you gapped it by a mile. i understand how hard it can be to go through what you've went through, and im so glad to hear that you are thriving today. best of wishes in your new house❤️

    2. ares


      we're all here for you whenever you need!

    3. Milo


      Losing a person who is a consistent part of your life that you love is truly an agony like no other. Although grief is such a horrible thing, the ways we honor or celebrate them sure do help. That being said if you ever find yourself wanting his memorial changed, flowers added or anything else, let me know and I will make it happen.

      I am so happy to hear you are doing better and that you are happy. You deserve it.

  13. Happiest Birthday to my Oly Bestie! @ WALT I hope you are having the best day ever! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

  14. 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁 Happy Birthday @ Fraali ! 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁 

  15. Detroit baby! 💙🤍

    1. Revenge
    2. ThatNerdyGuy


      I’m so happy for the Lions!

  16. #karma #taytay #swelce https://giphy.com/gifs/moodman-SwaGCEw8JE43hgI8YB
  17. Lea

    selling cyrus

    Will it make me a better player?
  18. Happy Birthday @ Secret Agent ! Thanks for staying ahead of me in years! 😂 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

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