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Director of R&R
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Everything posted by Marcus

  1. Marcus


  2. Going forward, this will be the new and improved Wiki Suggestion Form, which will be used by the @Senior Wiki Curator's to better improve and curate content that is reflective of what the community wants to see on its wiki! Feel free to suggest any content, corrections, or anything at all that you would like to be able to access on the wiki! Wiki Suggestion Form
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  3. Chapter XVI - Progressive Disciplinary Matrix (PDM) Grounds for Dismissal/Blacklisting Providing false or inaccurate information on an R&R application Cheating during any R&R testing process Using any other chat (Discord, Different TeamSpeak, etc.) besides the appropriate TeamSpeak Channels Receiving 6 Documented Counsellings within 30 days Receiving 3 Letters of Reprimand during your career Any egregious or malicious act Harassment (ANY SETTING) Toxic behavior in-game or on the forums Trolling in the game or on forums Disrespectful behavior in the game or on the forums Using a firearm while on duty. The flare gun is exempt RDM, VDM, RVD, or NLR while on duty Exploiting, Fail RP, or combat logging while on duty Insubordination Meta-gaming @R&R Medic @Senior R&R Member @Support Team @Senior Support Team
  4. Olympus Wiki Contributor Applications We're currently looking to fill some wiki contributor positions for Olympus. If you're interested in applying for this role, please read below and submit an application in the support section of the forums for "Wiki Curator Application" then select the "Contributor" position. I highly suggest putting good effort into your application for the best results. We would rather have quality vs quantity. Work examples need only establish that you have a decent grasp of grammar and the English language, as well as anything else you feel would make you out to be a better candidate. Requirements: The ability to write clear and concise English. A few hours of your time, especially around server updates. A good standing with the Olympus staff and community. The ability to play on the Olympus servers (you must not be banned). Duties: Test and gather information about new or existing features on the server. Capture images and videos of server mechanics and gameplay. Regularly update information in the wiki as server updates are released. Check over existing information in the wiki to ensure its accuracy. Create ideas for new wiki material. offer feedback about existing wiki material. Applications should be submitted as a "Wiki Curator Application" under the support tab. (Ex: Marcus - Wiki Contributor Application)
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  5. No, we were not doing an RT this time around. We will have things for the next RT though.
  6. I didn't remove it lol I thought it was funny as well.
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