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Lethals Loaded

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Everything posted by Lethals Loaded

  1. Happy birthday! Least from UK.

  2. Let me know if it worked, if not I'll dig around the internet more once you update me.
  3. That's not the issue you provided me with initially, in post #1 you said you can't record one without the other. I did not mean push to talk on Teamspeak (And you can have Voice Activation as an alternative, js) but the one with Shadowplay, referencing image below I got mine set to push to talk with it being activated by the tilde key. To respond to your new issue, I remember having that problem once. I google'd around and found the same website that I used previously and managed to find a fix that worked for me:
  4. Click "More" under the search bar and status updates as shown in the image below. Poseidon has a lot on his head, he is working on it. Give him some time perhaps... I found this annoying too, found a way I hope. Click the notification (The glove) and then notification settings in top right of the window that will appear. Will bring you to this page.
  5. These are my settings, it is as simple as ticking "Record ingame audio and microphone" Ensure that your microphone is not on push to talk, unless that's what you're going for then familiarise yourself with the needed keybind.
  6. No server name? I mean it does kinda say "Critical Gaming" on it like yanno, on the rank tab...

  8. 1 reputation per day? WHAT IS DIS

  9. This has been done for a long long time, if there is 15 BurBan on I'm not going to spend 60 minutes of my life trying to tilde all 5 but text all of them and then shoot them. Also it's not RDM if they are engaged, and that's one way to engage your whole gang with another gang... stopping us doing this will boost the ban war.
  10. When hades leaves he actually leaves, you say you leave and dont actually leave...
  11. @Poseidon - as post is locked can't reply to give suggestion; the create a thread/quick reply/status box is white and it hurts your eyes after looking at dark colours the whole time.

  12. Moob has to change his paychecks now. But on a serious note, even though I had many times I disagreed with you either ingame or on forums I am sorry to see you go. You have done a lot to this community. You took countless hours of spawnings boats on me, stopping me from reviving by putting me on roof tops or teleporting away when I got you on APD. Perhaps now, I will be able to say "I sent Hades to jail!" Goodluck to the next Head Admin, and I hope to see you ingame... Jeff!
  13. I don't see why they are removed. In the past they were kept, if you did not like it then you did not and that was the end of it. I don't only speak for myself but for others, I find them entertaining as I know they are a joke. MC is always known as the 'terrorists' and so we keep our character going that way, some like it and some don't. Matter of opinion, and how dark ones humour is. If a staff member or two don't like a suggestion they simply ignore it or add their reason why they don't like it, not straight off remove it. All a matter of opinion and because one or few don't share that opinion, does not mean it should be removed.
  14. Now that Bojo is gone we can have quality posts made!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ToeKnee
    3. theycallmepaw


      because some people need attention to make it thru the day. i like bojo but think at 18 he really cant know stuff on every subject. and alot of posts he just reworded someone elses words. i wish him luck.

    4. SPBojo
  15. Putting it simply: Any APD gear is not allowed to civilians, if a weapon ammo type is bigger then 9mm it's illegal. PDW, Rook & Sting are only allowed, all need firearm licenses. Sting needs vigilante license. Titans are illegal.
  16. Can we go with the 'If you have nothing constructive/positive to say on forums, dont say it' rule? Would maybe make forums more fun to read...

  17. <03:21:56> "[Moob] Corporal_moob" was added to server group "Moderator" by "Hades". <03:22:05> "[Moob] Corporal_moob" was added to server group "Sergeant" by "[Moob] Corporal_moob".

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Sorry bud, Wrong timezone ; )

      your time is +1/2

      I was Mod/Sarge for a whole like 10 seconds. Best time of my Life.

    3. Thomas


      Moob for sergeant!!!

    4. Moose


      Looks like bojo is trying to shitpost so hard he forgot to use his brain... Although thats the norm

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Actually I muted it then cuz I was changing music and it was making a weird noise x3

    3. Rich Homie Quan

      Rich Homie Quan

      nothing is better than the bad rap or shit rock stations offered from the QnS bot.

  18. Never knew that echo noise thingy is part of TS, looks like mine is broken Also, ding noises can be turned off if you know ya gonna be recording this.
  19. Whoever edited/recorded this gave me aids. That echo thing, the dings & the clicking sound. fml
  20. You think this is a motha fukin game?
  21. Someone ban this guy already fml
  22. Useful tip: Warzone walls do not block nades. Thanks cLoak for confirming :D

  23. i like you. you think outside the box. thats why you admin.
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