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Everything posted by Element_

  1. @ Rexo stream ended, I'm literally shaking and don't know what to do. Guess ill go camp rebel with a drum mag as vigi.

  2. I wonder how many hours winters gave himself after responding to my recent APD IA.
  3. ADSing that close = Opinion discarded Desync+you missed+hit a fucking spray mx has literally no recoil
  4. Bet, just moved in to a new place, I’ll be setting my PC up tomorrow.
  5. Added it right as you replied lol
  6. How much for spar 17 taser? I can do whatever you’re comfortable with. 4 mil offer
  7. https://gyazo.com/b441e33a21a20adbc3586e9f031dcb87

    on the vigi wiki page, i don't think they're $100 now

    1. Element_


      virtual items list has it as well


    2. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Yea man wiki is full of small stuff like this. I find it best to blame @ hawk  for these kinds of issues since hes canadian.

    3. Iceman


      @ xXElementClanXx  Ill take a look at this later today. Thanks! 

  8. Just a normal day playing conquest

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Element_


      I’m not saying it’s not wtf, it’s just a funny clip of a guy backpacking me and still getting folded. 

    3. Mako


      @ Mc Pooperson work on that jesus christ.

    4. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      Atleast he didnt V into the wall and shoot you. Seems to be pretty popular now.

  9. I have a feeling the appeals are gonna be something like this. "Why am I banned for playing the game, if the mechanic was easily exploitable, its a devs fault!" "So you found a bug/exploit that would negatively affect the purpose of said mechanic and didn't report it to us while also using it to illegitimately get items?" Assuming its about the scrap thing. Still haven't scrapped any vics yet to try it out, is it even worth?
  10. Boomers voice is too distinctive to be playing as undercover APD. 

    1. nicole


      i aint a cop bub 😅

  11. Gigachad Medic vs Virgin MK1 creature
  12. https://gyazo.com/6ccf165a8f727f9b6646007405f8ec4e

    APD getting some cheap ass guns

    1. Mako


      Fixed, thanks for reporting the issue.

    2. Mason Harrison

      Mason Harrison

      not the spar ?!?!?!?

  13. How to beat MK1 users: 1. Shoot first 2. Out aim them with a lower recoil gun 3. Don't get shot Its quite shrimple
  14. "what you're seeing is advanced warfare"
  15. Obama? You the person who holds the world record for random drone strikes in the middle east?
  16. My night has been ruined, Rufus comes up with the most out of pocket shit I swear.
  17. You heard it here first folks if you don't have at least 1k hours on this server and run in a zerg at all times you simply can't have an opinion on a feature people exploit because they simply cant be lowering their kd on a PVP server with extra steps.
  18. So low hours equal bad player? Have you taken into account most of my arma hours are on KOTH? Such shit takes in here honestly Oh no you got my stats I’m quaking in my boots guys. Sorry for not being @ Sweet Lou who pulls 80hr weeks for a fucking VIDEO GAME. Most are prob AFK hours but I digress
  19. As @ Bubbaloo Burrito said, if you have to DPI jump out of anything, you definitely suck and shouldn't be calling yourself a good player in the slightest. "how dare someone dispute me breaking rules haha i aint giving comp"
  20. Already got my dream job, my pronouns are wee/woo. Take a guess
  21. First forum post i make people already hating, go touch grass or something


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