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Mr Kevin

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Everything posted by Mr Kevin

  1. Can we get a list in memory of the people that got perm'd I'm curious as to who all got the hammer.

  2. Happy Birthday Ocean Man @Poseidon

  3. How's everyone's St Patrick's Day? What y'all do?

    1. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob


      Everybody just forget this day exists.

      shit day.

      Luck O' the fenians.

      Bastard Irish.


    2. iPopsicle
  4. Lol thought you were talking about when someone kidnaps your gangmember.
  5. Persistence of things you want will eventually come true if you put your heart to it.

  6. "A fool thinks himself to be wise, but a wise man knows himself to be a fool."

    -William Shakespeare

  7. #BringBackAPDTagsInTS

  8. @Fedot With the great ideas
  9. My mom and I will be there
  10. Oh yea. Post Malone is great. No Option and Patient have to be my favorite songs from his latest album. What i'm really waiting for is an album by him but more importantly Drake's More Life that's supposed to drop this month. Along with Meek Mill's DC4.5 that's supposed to drop the same day or a day later according to him. and Deja Vu
  11. Yeeeeees! I have a lot of Post Malone and Migos' new album on there. Young Thug is eh for me tbh but I still do have a couple of songs of his.
  12. On your PC you right click the playlist and click "Edit Details" from there you can edit the description, name and Image.
  13. Just thought i'd share my Spotify playlist of my fav rap/hip hop songs. https://open.spotify.com/user/no_fails/playlist/53Sja2IW69bUMbRmE6aiDr Let me know what y'all think and hit me with that Follow if you like it Also. I understand there's a lot of older songs on there but I generally listen to the songs halfway down the list and lower. Those are dope. Also this is a general music thread. What type of songs do you like/favorite overall songs. Can be specifically Rap/Hip Hop but if it's popular songs that's cool too KEEP IN MIND: EVERYONE HAS A DIFFERENT TASTE IN MUSIC SO THERE'S NO NEED TO HATE ON ANYONE INCLUDING ME FOR THE MUSIC WE LIKE.
  14. You got removed for that gif?
  15. All I need What are you a Youtuber? Why is your Upload speed more than triple your download?
  16. Looking for Drake's new album like:guy-looking-up-stock-photo-605146.jpg

    Image result for Guy looking

    Image result for Guy looking

    Image result for Guy looking

    Image result for Guy looking

    Image result for Guy looking

  17. The face you make when you miss the last pin before having to turn around to your friends laughing at you for sucking ass.
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