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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. I have been reading "Olympus is dying" posts since 2015. It never gets old LOL
  2. Soda is gross after not drinking it for 6 months holy shit. 

    1. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      I drink like 10 cans of soda daily

    2. thor


      I drink 10 gallons

    3. Cadennn


      I fill my bathtub with soda and drink it with a straw

  3. Just because I retired does not mean I don't care about the community. Once you become a mega badass, you don't just stop. Also, watch your tone child. I've contributed more to the community in 2 hours than you have in your entire time spent here. Don't make me break out one of my roasting pans and serve you up.
  4. Which policies specifically?
  5. Coming from the man who cums when the wind blows across his taint, I find this comment to be rather hilarious.
  6. Thanks man. Life is too short. I am a pleb now who ran out of likes. <3
  7. Well guys, life has taken a turn that I didn't really expect, and I have to officially retire from Olympus. Holy shit that was hard to type. For those who don't know me very well, I have been around Olympus for 5 years now. I started my journey as a lone peach farmer, and ended my journey here on Olympus as Owner. Who could have guessed it? I know there are a lot of goodbye posts that are made because of a variety of reasons, be that retiring due to inactivity, not getting a promotion, or being forced out. This one isn't for any of those reasons. Most of you know that I have been consistently active in every facet of the community since 2014. Whether it was grinding APD hours out, fighting the first cartels as a member of MC, going ham as a Moderator, swinging my dick around as an Admin, or organizing the Staff as a Senior Admin. I love this community, and I am very proud that I had a hand in building it. From the Support Team, to APD Squads, tracking APD times and hours, APD disciplinary guidelines, Staff Accountability, ban structures, ticket reporting, Staff Organization, even Epi-Pens; I have had a hand in building a ton of what you all interact with on a daily basis. That makes me pretty dang proud, as I have seen this community grow and seen it in every stage since its beginnings. However, real life is a bitch sometimes, and sometimes you have to take a step back from online to deal with it. I won't go into details on this post, however a situation has occurred in my life that would require me to take a long period of time off. I do not feel that it would be fair to Olympus as a whole to be an inactive/afk Owner, and I think it will be the best thing for Olympus for me to hand over the reigns. The head position of the community should be a position that is carried out by somebody who is active, cares about the direction of the community, and is somebody that does not waver when it comes to ensuring the best possible community outcomes for everyone. I embodied all of these things, however soon I will not have the ability to be around for the Community like I am right now. @Ares Good luck my friend. If you ever need advice, help, or someone to vent to about how ridiculous the APD is, just call I could tag 200 people in this thread, and I would still miss somebody, so I am not even going to try. I do want to say a special thank you to @Grandma Gary though. We started this journey a long time ago, and if it wasn't for you I don't think that I would have stuck around this long. You are truly a legend. To the Administrative, Development, and Design staff : I just want to say thank you. You are all incredible people, dedicating your free time to a Community that tons of other people can enjoy. May your bugs be easy to fix, ticket counts low, and may you always seek balance with every change you want to implement. Nobody in the community will truly understand what you guys go through on a daily basis like I do, so from the bottom of my heart I just want to say thank you. Olympus Entertainment would not be here without you. To all Retired Staff : Thank you for everything you did to build Olympus into what it is today. I hope you all find happiness in whatever you are doing now. To the Support Team : You guys are meme'd more than any other group, but you are all great people. I appreciate all you have done for the Community in the almost 3 years running. You have developed into a team that has far surpassed my initial vision when I made the first Support Team while on lunch at work. You are incredible. I will still be around lending a hand whenever you guys need it, and if you see me in team speak please feel free to message me. May all of you find happiness in your lives, and may you all achieve your goals. My final salute goes to you Olympus. o7
  8. Not sure about having a brain. This was a stupid thing to do, and by the grace of the RNG and Arma Gods coming together I was successful in both my attempts. Old Arma was the best though, because there were plenty of little things like this that made the game fun. Remember CSAT drops from 50 meters away that made us all ODST's? Nostalgia is real today.
  9. Fun fact, this was without the Advanced Flight Model. After an update from bohemia, the Ghosthawk and Huron wheels allowed you to coast on flat ground without taking damage. Not sure if it is still the case, but this was just me being a troll. Actually it was the second time I had done it, I screamed "2 for 2" at the end of it. Still trying to find that first time.
  10. I was looking for that, I can't find the clip.
  11. Disclaimer : Do not try this. New SAPD will probably blacklist for this.
  12. I was a god. What can I say? https://plays.tv/video/58b8bdf480ffd9ad13/lol
  13. Stats page is down for now, it was causing the issues with the Forums. Everything should be running smoothly now. Please let us know if you find any bugs on the forums via the Support Tab.

  14. So Vehicle Crafting. Personally I want to remove it until we come up with a better, more logical way for it to make sense. In it's current form, the extra materials gathered through processing are kinda aids to manage if you do not want to craft vehicles, and the amount of work it requires to build a vehicle isn't cost-productive. So I ask the community, what do you want to do? Vote on the poll and lets see!
  15. Since @Bloodmoon needs some math as well, we ran the gold sold stats: Now. Lets do the math together: On average, you get about 225 gold bars a fed. (we took the lowest amount possible, and the highest amount possible, and got an average of the two) 225 Gold average bars spawned x $69,000 = $15,525,000 (average fed gold worth) $15,525,000 x 16 successful Federal Reserve Robberies = $248,400,000 There are 390 gold bars that have been stored, and we add that to the total amount (potential) sold. 390 x $69,000 = $26,910,000 Total Sold + Stored in houses/sheds = $127,880,106 Now, lets take a look at that total sold/stored : $127,880,106. When you factor in APD seizures, gold left at the fed, cars blowing up with gold, players dying with gold in inventories, the number is pretty solid. Now, lets see if this trends with the bombs blowing up! Total Gold Sold/Stored ($127,880,106) / Total Gold Spawned after Bomb Blows ($248,400,000) = 0.5148 51% Lets take a peek back at the beginning of my post : A few notes : Jails are a bit skewed because people start them as a distraction and then leave Gold sold for Feds successfully trend almost identically to the success rate THE STACK isn't as bad as you think. There are some feds that have 18 cops, but on average a 4 cop increase isn't bad. In this case, gold sold is actually 10% higher than the success rate of the fed. Now, we will be posting these stats at the end of every month, and next time hopefully you won't all be as aids. I mean its entertaining, but I swear @DeadPooL is going to need a therapist.
  16. Well I was going to lock this post, however I guess someone needs a lesson in basic reading and comprehension : 1. "these stats don't mean shit, they never meant shit and never will" Wrong. Seeing how often a bomb is successfully detonated is a great stat to show. It represents a successful defense of the Federal Reserve/Blackwater. The lower percentage of a successful bomb plant would indicate that the APD is getting to the bomb, and breaking the defenses of the civs more often. Once you get into the 20-30 percent range, that would indicate that the APD are breaking and wiping 7-8 out of every 10 feds. That would be heavily APD sided, and not what we are looking for. A 40--45% success rate of a bomb detonation is pretty balanced. I don't think that I need to remind you that Federal Events are supposed to be the most difficult gang vs apd situations for you to complete. It is hard by design. 2. "to all the cunts that have done feds n BW knows defending the area is a LOT more easier than escaping WITH the loot. therefore stats showing whether bomb has blown is fucking useless" Let's take a look at what I said in the notes section of my post. If you need help, go here : https://education.seattlepi.com/basic-reading-skills-1515.html Gold sold for Feds successfully trend almost identically to the success rate Since we started doing the Fed Stats over a year and a half ago, the sell rate of gold after a federal reserve trends extraordinarily close to the success rate of a fed. Almost everty the time a bomb is blown for a federal reserve, gold is sold within a few hours. This stat is hard to track with 100% accuracy as many gangs store thier gold to sell when the situation is over, but in a year and a half of doing these stats, the trend has remained the same. If you don't believe me, just ask @McDili who did the stats while he was owner. 3. "THE STACK isn't as bad as you think. There are some feds that have 18 cops, but on average a 4 cop increase isn't bad. " - For all we know those 4 cops could be 4 fucking sgts or higher so in general saying "4 COP increase" doesn't mean shit." I just want to make sure you realize how balanced that average actually is. When a situation occurs on the map that the APD has to respond to, they bring in back-up. This is pretty basic APD practice, and basic practice for most people. When you need help, you call for it and your buddies come to help. When a FEDERAL EVENT is occuring, it is the responsibility of ALL APD online to respond to it. For the last few months, well years really, the major complaint was "HERP A DERP OMG APD STACK NO POINT 200 COPS ONLINE WITH 1000 LETHALS 5 GHOSTHAWKS NERF APD PLOX OH FUCK YOU STAFF YOU HATE CIVS". I am not refuting the fact that more APD get online during events like this, however on average 4 cops hopping on isn't unbalanced at all. Its a far cry from the "15 APD" that stack every fed that I was being told for the last few months. I understand your frustration, its hard to interpret data and facts when you are biased in a situation. You want the APD to be nerfed, Career Cops want APD to be buffed. I have been on both sides of the argument : I was a Chief and a huge Cartel player. I have argued both sides of the fence, and now I am pretty comfortable in the middle. I want balance between the two, so I use data and statistics (actual ones, not made up ones by people who want change) to make decisions. 4. p.s @DeadPooL this is how feedback is done u monkey boy No, this was a poorly written temper tantrum. If you want to learn how to give feedback, talk to @Silton, @swervy, or @HyperGoat. They have gone at my neck for my ideas, but they do it by explaining their thoughts intelligently and respectfully; not by trying to be edgy by jumping down my throat. 5. "IDK i dont play this shit game anymore." I rest my case.
  17. Here are the fed stats for the last 30 days: Jail Success Percentage = 26% Federal Event Success Percentage = 41% Blackwater Success Percentage = 44% A few notes : Jails are a bit skewed because people start them as a distraction and then leave Gold sold for Feds successfully trend almost identically to the success rate THE STACK isn't as bad as you think. There are some feds that have 18 cops, but on average a 4 cop increase isn't bad. Shoutout to @destruct for the work. You are the man! Pretty neat huh?
  18. Alright guys, its time for Set-Up Wars! Post your current Set-Up below! Ill take the top 5, and we will do a poll later to see who the winner is! Winner gets $5 million in game and 100 Warpoints! LETS SEE THOSE BEAST RIGS!
  19. So I haven't been paying attention, but we hit 30k members on the forums. Pog Champ! Thanks @zoomzooooooom for all the alts when you were banned. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. monster


      @Dante dw i still got like 15-20 unused emails

    3. zoomzooooooom
    4. Dargen


      *cough cough* yopmail.com *cough cough* *cough cough* no sign up *cough cough*

  20. You know, I find this hilarious. You might be the one guy I have killed since becoming owner. Have a dev check the stats, other than testing weapons, I have just been launching people with my spangle gun But yeah, you probably got wrecked by a staff member with my name in game. Unless you have been killed by Gandalf the Gay, it wasn't me my dude.
  21. This is a neat tool to see how much spit is on your monitor because someone roached you or you got vigi'd.




    Needless to say, I broke out a whole bottle of windex. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. indian


      @bdj @Johnson/Montez your welcome for the @

    3. Millennium


      my monitor was clean as fuck

    4. bdj



      GANG WARS IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

  22. Corsair K55. Cheaper, mechanical, 3 rgb areas, 6 macro keys, ect. Best 30 dollar purchase ever.
  23. @Drama I expect staff to handle all thier ban appeals in a timely fashion. After numerous reports of you skirting your duties, I must inform you that @DeadPooL will be taking your Admin role.

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