Well guys, life has taken a turn that I didn't really expect, and I have to officially retire from Olympus.
Holy shit that was hard to type. For those who don't know me very well, I have been around Olympus for 5 years now. I started my journey as a lone peach farmer, and ended my journey here on Olympus as Owner. Who could have guessed it?
I know there are a lot of goodbye posts that are made because of a variety of reasons, be that retiring due to inactivity, not getting a promotion, or being forced out. This one isn't for any of those reasons. Most of you know that I have been consistently active in every facet of the community since 2014. Whether it was grinding APD hours out, fighting the first cartels as a member of MC, going ham as a Moderator, swinging my dick around as an Admin, or organizing the Staff as a Senior Admin. I love this community, and I am very proud that I had a hand in building it. From the Support Team, to APD Squads, tracking APD times and hours, APD disciplinary guidelines, Staff Accountability, ban structures, ticket reporting, Staff Organization, even Epi-Pens; I have had a hand in building a ton of what you all interact with on a daily basis. That makes me pretty dang proud, as I have seen this community grow and seen it in every stage since its beginnings.
However, real life is a bitch sometimes, and sometimes you have to take a step back from online to deal with it. I won't go into details on this post, however a situation has occurred in my life that would require me to take a long period of time off. I do not feel that it would be fair to Olympus as a whole to be an inactive/afk Owner, and I think it will be the best thing for Olympus for me to hand over the reigns. The head position of the community should be a position that is carried out by somebody who is active, cares about the direction of the community, and is somebody that does not waver when it comes to ensuring the best possible community outcomes for everyone. I embodied all of these things, however soon I will not have the ability to be around for the Community like I am right now. @Ares Good luck my friend. If you ever need advice, help, or someone to vent to about how ridiculous the APD is, just call
I could tag 200 people in this thread, and I would still miss somebody, so I am not even going to try. I do want to say a special thank you to @Grandma Gary though. We started this journey a long time ago, and if it wasn't for you I don't think that I would have stuck around this long. You are truly a legend.
To the Administrative, Development, and Design staff : I just want to say thank you. You are all incredible people, dedicating your free time to a Community that tons of other people can enjoy. May your bugs be easy to fix, ticket counts low, and may you always seek balance with every change you want to implement. Nobody in the community will truly understand what you guys go through on a daily basis like I do, so from the bottom of my heart I just want to say thank you. Olympus Entertainment would not be here without you.
To all Retired Staff : Thank you for everything you did to build Olympus into what it is today. I hope you all find happiness in whatever you are doing now.
To the Support Team : You guys are meme'd more than any other group, but you are all great people. I appreciate all you have done for the Community in the almost 3 years running. You have developed into a team that has far surpassed my initial vision when I made the first Support Team while on lunch at work. You are incredible.
I will still be around lending a hand whenever you guys need it, and if you see me in team speak please feel free to message me.
May all of you find happiness in your lives, and may you all achieve your goals.
My final salute goes to you Olympus. o7