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Peter Long

Peter Long
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Everything posted by Peter Long

  1. Listen bud. As someone who is witness to this sort of thing every day, know that it gets better. Time might not heal all wounds, but it will get easier. Cling to your family and friends, they will be there for you. The main thing is you have a support system for you, and know that we are always here for you. Take all the time you need my man. If you need to vent or to blow off some steam, I'm here. - Pete
  2. 7.62 for corps and MK-1 for civs too. Don't forget.
  3. Tactical Training 1.0 on Sunday @ 6pm EST. Be there mofos.

  4. Something that I like to do to help organize those big gang arrests is to line them all up on a wall and tell the I'm charging them all as a large gang enterprise. I search all of them and take all thier weapons. Afterwards I let eachieve APD member take one to a separate location where they can all role play without too much noise. I did this to MC at our last fight and had some fantastic RP out of some of the members.
  5. Twas a good fight. You left out the part where I lethaled 27 people and tanked about 12 titans. 50 too stronk.
  6. This is why the APD is going downhill. http://funnyjunk.com/Police+brutality/movies/5682329/
  7. Keeping my nose out of this one. If anyone needs to accuse me of bad rp, I'll be in Kavala square playing basketball for 600k bounties as I am known to do, or at AAC having a shooting contest with the people I catch, or having rap battles.
  8. Clan ID is #LQCRUUQP
  9. It gives me something to do when I'm listening to bad role play.
  10. So as some of you know, I work in surgery, and sometimes there is a lot of downtime during cases. I've been playing clash of clans, and I thought maybe it would be cool if Olympus had a clan. I talked it over with HamOfMoose and Isaac Newton, and we started the Olympus Team clan. If you are interested in joining leave a message here with your player info and I can get you in the clan. There is no trophy limit, and new players are welcomed. After we get a bunch of people in, we can start deciding on wars and such. Please leave your thoughts below, and please no hate.
  11. In regards to this situation, you ask for great RP from the APD, but you guys had been fighting us for 15 minutes, sending us Titan messages, and generally causing havoc. That was also in an active situation, where we were fighting your friends right down the road. You can't expect amazing RP when you are activley sending APD messages "Hands up or die". You also had literally just shot at us, and I tazed you and got you restrained. He drove up and got you out of the situation. Dont complain about RP when you get caught.
  12. My current record is 6.8 mil. Then i got deputy lethaled.
  13. Who are you again?
  14. inb4 moobs post about minutes.
  15. "Most active cop" "I get more hours in 1 day than 95% of the force in a week"
  16. I don't record because reporting players is silly. People are going to make mistakes, nobody is perfect. However, obs is good if you stream. Set up twitch to keep past broadcasts. You can keep whole hours of stuff without clogging up your HD.
  17. Changing my name for an entire week. Highest voted comment is my name. Polls close at 9 est. GO!

    1. Show previous comments  23 more
    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Gary you voted after the time was up so it don't count ;)

    3. Fedot



    4. QKSILVR73


      yeah cheater cheater pumpkin eater!!


  18. I want to be on for this. Hopefully it will be entertaining.
  19. MC wont be a challenge. Fight the REAL server giants : R and R.
    1. FluffyTEDDY


      now why did John Madden have the plessure of getting arrested by you? :P 

    2. Fastik
  20. Wait, who is Jorbis?
  21. Can anyone give me a Server #3 hype? Id love to see it back!!!

    1. DeathDingo


      I used to live on server 3 ...I miss it.

    2. Nick5523


      I think it is actually necessary again. Both servers are packed full

    3. Poseidon


      Our servers may have more players on then usual due to several Asylum servers getting ddosed and taken offline when Lirik was playing on them. Not sure if we're ready for #3 yet.

  22. Just finished re-wiring/flooring my man cave. Peter Long's Dungeon complete! Pictures incoming!


    1. Moose


      If you were a real man the whole house would be your cave

    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Barbara wears the pants though.

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