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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. But I want to make it harder to lose and also that civ was having fun and we cannot let that happen!
  2. Re-posted because the last person to make it didn't even highlight what was different. Chapter 10: Declaring Terror on Cities 7. Helicopters may only be used for transport in the terror location. Chapter 13: Red / Illegal Zone / Rebel Outposts 1. Red zones are KOS, no RP is required by Civilians. Gas Stations are never redzones. (Exception: Killing a player in restraints inside of a red zone is still considered Fail RP). Chapter 14: Explosive Items 3. When using a titan on aerial vehicles the pilot must first be directly notified stating your demands and that you are using a Titan, if demands are not met (within reason) you may fire on the air unit with said titan. If a titan message is sent during an active engagement and the engagement lasts longer then 5 minutes, the player may still fire the titan at the pilot that was messaged if the demands were still not met.

    1. Homicide


      Are u ok Ignis

    2. monster


      should i call r&r and ask them if they can fix autism?

  4. Is even more terrifying drawn
  5. Your face ain't that skinny it's THICC
  6. No this is a stupid question you stupid stupidty head.
  7. The fog has been lifted, and Olympus can live in peace. You're welcome, everyone.

    Protect ya ip boys. Recommend changing them.

    1. Ryan Beck

      Ryan Beck

      Knew the poll would push letss goooi

    2. drraison


      Have you used battlemetrics?


    3. iPopsicle
  8. Well have the turns tabled.
  9. Why remove him? Google is very pleasant to the civilians that he represents! xd
  10. "If Skyrim Mobile is a real thing I am turning off Olympus" ~McDili one hour ago


  11. Black boxes not included
  12. Any title that you can equip on civ is allowed. The one's you cannot wear are locked by code.
  13. Heard Olympus Staff have been talking shit about my life... apparently ppl I don’t even know. If you don’t know me keep my name out of ya mouth...

  14. *UPDATE* We are up to $65 USD, that can go a long way for Canada's monopoly money. Thank you @Ryan you are saving lives.

  15. It's Jesse and he can probably afford a headset but he has priorities.
  16. https://www.gofundme.com/kurts-new-headset
  17. 40 likes and he said he would use the money to buy one.
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