Re-posted because the last person to make it didn't even highlight what was different.
Chapter 10: Declaring Terror on Cities
7. Helicopters may only be used for transport in the terror location.
Chapter 13: Red / Illegal Zone / Rebel Outposts
1. Red zones are KOS, no RP is required by Civilians. Gas Stations are never redzones. (Exception: Killing a player in restraints inside of a red zone is still considered Fail RP).
Chapter 14: Explosive Items
3. When using a titan on aerial vehicles the pilot must first be directly notified stating your demands and that you are using a Titan, if demands are not met (within reason) you may fire on the air unit with said titan. If a titan message is sent during an active engagement and the engagement lasts longer then 5 minutes, the player may still fire the titan at the pilot that was messaged if the demands were still not met.