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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. @Corporal_moob He is probably over paying for that too. Too bad we don't have more of you in the business
  2. @Wftmguy could enlighten you with the world of mopeds
  4. Don't listen to them just have @Josh122 fly you around.
  5. Someone is within 100 away of the number!
  6. Welcome man!
  7. Make sure to enter the contest!

  8. I can't even imagine your frames in Kavala
  9. @fugi could you run arma on all three monitors?
  10. In celebration of just about achieving 15,000 members on the forums I will be doing this little contest. I went to random.org and generated a random number BETWEEN 1 and 15,000. I have this number messaged to multiple admins to confirm legitimacy. POST ONE ONLY ONE NUMBER OR YOU WILL BE DISQUALIFIED! This thread will be open until 2/12/17 at 9pm. Whoever guessed closest to the number will receive the $1,000,000 in-game cash. May the best guesser win!
  11. i5-6600k GTX 1070 16gb ddr4 Razer Naga 2014 Razer Blackwidow Chroma Blue Yeti Audio Technica M50x White Christmas Lights Motherboard box monitor stand I like the pot holder. I bet it boosts your frames through the roof
  12. This is superbowl is more stressful than having @RambleRdrive you in a hatchback. 

    1. Phizx


      I don't know man. That's a pretty depressing sight xD

    2. Tman15tmb


      Only if you're a Pats or Falcons fan..

  13. Currently 227 APD members and rising, with 100 forum members away from 15,000. These numbers are crazy!

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      No! Hide yo' kidz, hide yo' wife! 

  14. I believe the Rubberbandits were the best thing to come from Ireland tbh
  15. N I have a video of auto pilot failing. It tried to land me at a 15 degree angle at 240 kmh At airplane shops!
  16. Dude it's great that something is doing that though. They are the Yeezys of Olympus. Useless and expensive.
  17. Whilst flying I was looking up videos on how to fly and land jets in arma 3. Should've done that before I flew it.
  18. Flying it as we speak!
  19. 4 million for the jet. 2.3 million for basic insurance and t4 turbo and @Mory Mango flew it before me.
  20. Who made the new R&R ts icons? They're nice!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hot Pocket
    3. -dante-


      They are the same with the colors matching the uniform of each rank. Emt-blue, paramedic-red, sar-red, Sr medic- orange. 

      And nobody cares what you like superior 

    4. Arigato
  21. Stating this, you could apply it to all three factions. I do think it would be a good idea to implement repairing without a tool kit instead, but it would take significantly longer, a lot longer than double the time.
  22. That's just simple interest we need more like inflation and Trump
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