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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. Don't forgot he leaked Poseidon's too
  2. If you want to actually assume things go ahead. Something that your numb head friend didn't tell you is I did not deny or accept his ban appeal yet as I was going to reach out to the other party about it. But sure, go ahead make a fool out of yourself and tell all of Olympus that I don't know what I am doing
  3. Working as intended 3b6e75b5cc406cc8237cf09eba8e8d8d.png

    1. SPBojo


      have you tried turning it on and off again? :Kappa:

  4. no
  5. This was actually a trap everyone that voted KYS is getting moderated. You have been jebaited
  6. Have fun playing on a server that runs as well as an autistic monkey
  7. First time I get vigi'd in a LONG time and they didn't even read me my charges... where do I submit this rule breaking? :Kappa:

    1. RubberDuck


      tickets section of the forums plz and thank you....

    2. DeadPool


      Why you say LONG like that? Is it a man who should be named Mong not long?


    1. -dante-


      This is not the place for player reports. Submit a damn ticket. ^___^

    2. RubberDuck


      10/10 am reporting

  9. I am going to be a guest to @Nixon Jones' first OSNews podcast! It starts at 8pm est. He has topics prepared and wants to talk to you guys about it so stop by: https://www.twitch.tv/osnews


  10. Happy Birthday YOU OS NERD!

  11. This would be annoying because if someone is "first in line" we would get more messages from them to finish it.
  13. I can't decide whether to moderate for spamming or making @DANGUSDEAN look good with this shit post
  14. o7
  15. When BW cannot afford their TS :4head:




    1. SPBojo


      cuz u smell and have a fetish for my feet

  17. Can I have corporal? cuntgratulations

  18. Duping - Pledge - Perm - Ignis
  19. @G.O.A.T.'s current location:


    1. DeadPool


      Is that a dead baby mouse?

    2. Pledge


      "It's lit under there"

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