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Everything posted by iPopsicle

  1. @Peter Long a better throwback..


    1. Dangus


      This is Amazing!!


      havent seen much more beautiful interactions between cops and civs. Like... he just sang along. It was amazing.

  2. No it's just a straight through cat back. No manufactured exhaust, it was custom bent @ a shop
  3. Flash back to mega and wumbo from spongebob
  4. I did a little more revving than they did :c but support team doesn't fool around. @Pledge @Goodman
  5. What did you google this time
  6. I think Olympus side chat has more content than this presidential debate. 

    1. iPopsicle


      @Moose the mentioned Sunni and immediately I feared for @Pete Malloy

  7. @clanzocu @Moose @Pete Malloy
  8. Having almost no money starting up this was the best thing. If my friend was ever restrained I would piss him off and steal his kidney.
  9. Do you blow as much as the big ass fan does?
  10. This kid in my english comp class is watching Arma 3 videos, want to ask if he plays on Olympus but holding back because he might be Kavala Scat

    1. iPopsicle


      I only know one person that has a computer well enough to play Arma and he plays Olympus every now and then.

      update: he's just watching epoch he must not play.

    2. Phizx


      Why are you talking behind my back on the internets :(

  11. We can just label Poseidon as "A slave of Jesse". If that helps
  12. @tkcjesse
  13. The only big ass we have here is
  14. A strong enough fan would blow those all away pretty quickly.
  15. Panera's Mac n cheese is just too good to be true. 

    1. Zephyr


      butter noodles 

  16. @Another One peels out
  17. All this shade it starting to seem like the dark closet that @Fedot spends most of his life in.
  18. 15, you're considered a serial killer and I will now be sending you do jail.
  19. When Peter Long one up's you
  20. Glad we have dedicated staff like you to keep trolls like these ones off of the forums.
  21. Late nights with iPopsicle; If I need something important for college I put it on top of my shoes so I don't forget it.

  22. LirikThump
  23. Instead of writing a paper I am spending my time browsing the forums. Priorities...

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