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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1. You just .50cal or put a shit ton of bullets into the Gas Pump. How we sacrificed a dude for LostinPlace
  2. Remember everyone...MC Wins Again

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. xLittleJimmy


      I mean at least he didnt shoot up a school basically

    3. RogueMK


      doesnt count im not american!! lol

  3. Can we get the people Perm'd for duping off the Leaderboards since their now irrelevant to this community?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Orgondo


      @Phizx Z Waxman, BWKenzxL. The 2 gangs Apple Pickers and M16 PMC. 

    3. Phizx


      Oh that makes sense... I havent seen apple pickers in forever and have never seen M16 PMC. 

    4. platinumfire


      I would second this hate seeing the people who don't belong there. if ya get permed you should be removed. 

  4. Server 2 Dp14 House/Garage for sale. Will sell separately. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=705361892 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=705361848 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=705360503 Leave offers on this post.
  5. I'm Orgondo and I approve this video
  6. Orgondo


    Their already fixed...
  7. When you're dropping a montage tomorrow and really hoping Armend puts his twist on it.

  8. Ill definitely hit this up, ill be alittle later because of work, but definitely entertained my this idea.
  9. Going over what exactly? A list of topics already decided?
  10. Server 2 getting the DDos hammer?

  11. We love him to much, we couldn't believe he actually did it hahaha
  12. Will's combat restraint as a FUCK YOU had us all laughing
  13. He wasn't on for any waves until the bomb blew therefore no chance to see uniform, at that point he was only online for the Ghosthawk pull, if uniform would of been seen or TS tags seen Titans would have just been brought to handle the GH. Everyone cut the fucking salt.
  14. When you finally find a song you like for the montage, but get slapped instantly with a copyright mute.

    1. Fedot


      Slow down the Track by 1 and Invert the Bass and Trenmmble or even invert the song ie play it backwards

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      How to create cancer noises, a written guide by @Fedot

  15. Orgondo


    Still to this day a fucking dumpster.
  16. @Virus Thanks for the free ifirit at the airfield, @McDili TreeOS is stronk.

  17. @Ham you're my little bro, even though you said I was a bearded lesbian leprechaun. And i somehow wasn't given a shoutout due to our amazing adventures we had together /cry. I'll see you around my dude and we'll hit Rust or zombies together again sometime.
  18. 3 Gates. Delete gate 4 if Instant Repairs can't be changed. Keep Gate 4, delete gate 3 but add 15 second repair animation. Best options and i think everyone agrees.
  19. You're a fucking redneck hill billy, shoot the sob with the shotgun behind the counter
  20. Spooler alert, trumper doesn't actually have a penis

    1. Maze



  22. This is such a odd feeling..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Thomas Blinder
    3. The Pilot

      The Pilot

      [Tree] Orgondo- 3 Day- RDM- (OS) Jaeger Mannen

    4. Thomas Blinder

      Thomas Blinder

      [OS] ** * * ** * * * 

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