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Everything posted by Orgondo

  1. You don't even have to be active on the forums, we'll be just fine with your COMPLETE absence.
  2. Happy Birthday you stupid fucking baboon 

    1. Fuzy


      Lol, thanks bud.

  3. #FreeReindeerKitten

    1. Nuski


      Fuck off


    2. Alfredo


      Also #FreeNuski

  4. R.I.P Stickly Stickly, easily gone to the instant Perm. Should of kept your mouth shut and not gotten so personal kid.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Bow


      Something not so nice

    3. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Oh NotABanana, didn't want to associate himself with the Progressive and Adaptive flow of Human-Society, and has expressed his contempt through carefully chosen words to sound like a person that has rejected all social queues and all normal healthy behavioral habits that we've formed through millenniums of evolution to create large and complex civilizations.




      Ergo- He was being a Cunt.

    4. Fedot


      @Corporal_moob you were roasted in that thread

  5. 6 Hemmitt boxes 8 devices. Magic Mushrooms. Or 3 Hemmitt Boxes, 5 devices, 5 transports of Meth.
  6. Was the Gang Wars 5 spreadsheet ever made?


    1. Mr Kevin

      Mr Kevin

      You said you were making it 0_0

    2. Orgondo
    3. Twix


      Goodman is finishing it up, he says.

  7. I don't know how you could be the most hated when you're irrelevant
  8. Orgondo

    I'm Out

    Rip Olympus. You'll be missed
  9. He either had stolen Cop equipment or had a sting from the vig shop.
  10. Crates have always been vulnerable, if you are "No player Found" bugged you can access any crates you want.
  11. BFO vs NW came down to a 1v1, Mango disconnected therefore BFO wins by default. Saying Mango got DDos'd is the biggest crock of shit i've ever fucking heard. And @Peter Long, i'm going to be really straight forward with you because I have a decent amount of respect for you. But first off you honestly need to grow a fucking pair dude, you have a problem with people lagswitching? DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, it's not a secret people fucking do it. SOO many people even admit to the shit now, same with no recoil scripts. You want to do a community event, PUT A DELAY ON THE STREAM, this is NOT the first time people sniped the stream to win and it won't be the last if you keep allowing it, PUNISH the damn players who are blatantly using shit to win. And I know you said all that as a whole, but do not say "You guys" when talking to one of my members, because Tree DOES NOT and WILL NOT ever condone scripts or fucking switches in our gang.
  12. 1 unit quicker then getting the Rust server back, what a cunt
  13. There a reason why donation discounts don't work in Rebel?

    1. Fastik


      I still have a discount but not my 50 dollar discount I have my 25 dollar discount ._.

  14. It's ready to fucking go basically dude! I got you all the damn mods and we had donation reward ideas. LET ME HAVE FUN AGAIN
  16. Mk-1s finally a donation reward. Bout time

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tom


      If we don't get it i'll be upset :FeelsBad:

    3. Joel


      After we get carrier lites and Mk-1s the only thing left we have to do is add a talent system, a few more things and just change our name to Asylum. :D 


    4. Heatflow


      7 minutes ago, Joel said:

      After we get carrier lites and Mk-1s the only thing left we have to do is add a talent system, a few more things and just change our name to Asylum. :D 


      good one you coon

  17. 1000 Down/ 200 Up....$80/mo
  18. http://imgur.com/ontG3nh You are all plebs to me. I also have 200mb dedicated to my wifi.
  19. When you finally get removed from the APD when you were going for Longest Deputy record.

  20. CSGOstash had a Well-Worn at 200+
  21. Shoutout to @Poro for actually allowing me a Lawyer ( @Little Jimmy) and RPing with us for like 20mins. GUMBA

    1. Poro


      :D Always here to have fun :)

    2. Ham


      I'm still the best <3

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