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Everything posted by Josh

  1. I got told i could not call people parents for blowing up the server LOL.. So i hope someone else did
  2. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198129648947/
  3. Umm when is Asylum v.2 coming out

  4. @Dawn said @nomadox has a small pepe and @Gravity can confirm that statement 



    1. Evann
    2. Orgondo


      If i dont play Tree is dead, been that way for 3 years dude you know that.


    3. Kyle


      arma is dead

  5. Ok now that @Hurricane is 18 can his bitch ass get Lt? 

  6. https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198129648947/#sort=order
  7. WOOW ok so the laptop i got for College/gaming is $1,800 it comes in today.. I just looked and its on sale for $1,200! Guess who sending that shit in to get a refund. 


  8. Not a rap but ok
  9. @Gravity Your gang is sh1t <3

    1. Gravity


      yea even they know lmao

    2. Josh


      Not as bad as "Team Players" they awful 

    3. Gravity


      thats a whole fact

  10. Who remembers this bug



    1. zoomzooooooom


      LT huskers love to see it

    2. Viper


      Thats the best bug, especially when you're a PO and it gives you the payout. 

  11. I hooked up my old 10Fps computer a few weeks back and i still had all the old map files lmfao i even have files for old asylum and the old cqc servers... I even have the old Tree exile server files
  12. @Riiken Where the stream at my guy

    1. NexIV


      Trust me when I say we've all been playing all night. We're just sick of being targeted and stream sniped. So we took of tags and did random names. Think we may do this every night so all the idiots that suicide vest us while stream sniping don't get the pleasure of ruining our nights.

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