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Everything posted by Winters

  1. Chapter XII - Federal Events Officers may respawn to Blackwater HQ regardless of how many officers are online if there is an active Blackwater robbery. If 10 or less officers are online during an active Federal Event Deputies/Patrol Officers may utilize SDARs after 2 failed non-lethal attempts by an individual officer. These rules are being implemented into the APD Master Handbook due to an increase in the success rate of Federal Events recently. Hopefully, this allows the APD to have a realistic chance at countering a Federal Event in an attempt to make the win rate more reasonable. These rules are flexible and can change or be removed at that point. APD officers are to use common sense when utilizing these rules, they should be used when the APD is at a significant disadvantage. APD officers that are found to be abusing these rules will face disciplinary action. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  2. Winters


    @ Noahhh! You created some great content for the community and it was always a pleasure speaking with you. I wish you the best of luck in life with all your future endeavours.
  3. Chapter III - Civilian Interaction Making Contact 1. Do not restrain suspects unless they are downed, have their hands up, or are notified why they are being restrained. 1.1. Unarmed/weapon holstered civilians that are engaged with the APD can be restrained if tackle is said prior to restraining. Chapter XV - APD Undercover 1. APD undercover officers that are driving a vehicle with uniformed APD officers inside must reveal their identity. Chapter XVII - APD Equipment & Ground Vehicles APD Tools 1. Hazmat suits are only to be used when conducting operations in radioactive areas. 1.1 Exception: Sergeant+ 2. Wetsuits are only to be used when conducting water operations. 2.1 Exception: Sergeant+ @APD Member @Senior APD Member @Deputy Chief of Police
  4. APD PSA

    Since vans are now accessible to the rank of Patrol Officer this is a reminder that vans cannot be utilized at Federal Events. 

    The APD hazmat suit is only to be used by JrAPD when dealing with radioactive fallout/material. 

    @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member

  5. This^^ On your ban appeal ensure that you fill out all the relevant information correctly, your ban appeal will then be reviewed by a staff member. https://olympus-entertainment.com/support/
  6. Chapter XV - APD Undercover APD undercover officers are no exception to the APD Master Handbook. APD undercover officers are expected to role-play every situation they encounter. APD Undercover officers are held to a higher standard of role-play than uniformed APD officers. Active Duty SAPD may utilize the APD undercover system. A maximum of 2 APD undercover officers can conduct operations at a time. APD undercover officers may utilize any gear available to them in their undercover shop. APD undercover officers cannot utilize civilian weapons and gear. Exception: APD undercover officers may take civilian weapons and gear if it assists with their undercover operation. Example: A civilian instructs an undercover APD officer to pick up a Rook, the undercover officer may not make effective use of the weapon. APD undercover officers may utilize undercover vehicles. APD undercover officers must reveal their identity or show their badge prior to initiating on a suspect. APD undercover officers that are killed must return back to the situation with revealed identities. APD undercover officers that are with uniformed APD officers prior to an engagement must reveal their identities and engage separately to uniformed APD officers before being able to fire. Example: uniformed APD officers and undercover officers are in Kavala Square, uniformed APD officers begin to be fired upon but undercover officers are not, undercover officers must reveal their identities and engage separately before returning fire. Exception: undercover officers that are fired upon may return fire. APD undercover officers responding to an active situation with uniformed APD officers must respond with revealed identities. APD undercover officers may utilize legal civilian owned vehicles without the owner's consent if it assists with their undercover operation. Example: An APD undercover officer needs to pursue a civilian and the only vehicle available is a civilian owned vehicle they may commandeer the vehicle. APD undercover officers may not search or seize the commandeered vehicle. APD undercover officers must enter redzones code 3. Exception: APD undercover officers may enter redzones dark for the first wave if not with uniformed APD officers, however, if they choose to apprehend someone, they must verbally engage. APD undercover officers may enter redzones regardless of if they have been patrolled within the last 15 minutes if they are accompanied by a civilian. APD undercover officers must reveal their identities when they search, impound or seize a vehicle. APD undercover officers are not required to surrender when outnumbered 3:1. Exception: APD undercover officers that have revealed their identities must abide by 3:1 rules. Exception: APD Undercover Officers that have not revealed their identity can be restrained if tased by a civilian regardless of being outnumbered 3:1. APD Undercover Officers cannot provide probable cause for a house/gang shed raid/search. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  7. FTO Applications are now OPEN.

    Any Corporal that wants to apply please ensure you read the below post regarding FTO. 

    @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. torre


      all the no lives, get on this quick

    3. DeadPool


      I got an @ but im a po?

    4. Mako


      Hello and thank you for the notification, as a Deputy Chief I do not need the rank of FTO however I am glad you felt the need to notify me. @Chief of Police

  8. Chapter VII - Probable Cause Examples of Probable Cause Cartels/Blackmarkets being captured are not probable cause. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Airdrop raids: Officers may only enter for a singular wave. Sergeant+ Corporal+must be present for the raid. Sergeant+ can call in an Airdrop. Airdrops may be raided with a maximum of 5 officers. May only lethal individuals within the airdrop. APD Officers may not utilize Armed Aerial vehicles for the raid. APD Officers may utilize 1 armoured vehicle for the raid. APD Officers must respond Code 3 to the zone. can respond dark or code 3 to the zone. No RP is required to engage civs that are participating in the Airdrop Event. Airdrops can be seized after the area has been called clear. called clear after a minimum of 2 minutes and be seized by the APD Once the Airdrop has started to be seized APD do not have to stop seizing if the area is no longer clear. Sergeant+ Corporal+ must authorize lethals at APD HQs for Deputies/Patrol Officers involved in the raid. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  9. @ 1thedoc  Happy Birthday!

    1. LULA 2022 - PT 13

      LULA 2022 - PT 13

      Happy birthday you absolute tea drinker, if you want the work I need some help building a favela on the hills around Kav.

  10. Chapter XIV - SWAT SWAT must attack the first place gang's Capture Point. If the first place gang does not control any capture points SWAT may choose to attack Capture Points controlled by the 2nd place gang. SWAT may attack all civilians while attacking a capture point SWAT may only attack civilians that aren't on a targeted capture point when there is high risk to an officers life. In such engagements, officers must make their best effort to leave once the level of risk has been reduced. Officers should not make such engagements a priority, nor attempt to intentionally put themselves in such situations. Example: Officers being fired upon when unflipping their vehicle may return fire until they are able to leave. Example: Officers taking fire while en route to a Capture Point may not stop to return fire or attack civs. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  11. Chapter III - Civilian Interaction Dealing with Workers’ Protection License Holders (Server Rules Chapter 19) Civilians with WPL gear must provide ID upon request. May carry a TRG-20, ACP-C2, SPAR-16 (Khaki), Katiba Carbine, Vermin, or MXC. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  12. APD Ticket Guide Abbreviations as listed in Wanted+ Menu SW - Seize Weapon SV - Seize Vehicle VW - Verbal Warning LEO - Law Enforcement Officer VL - Seize Vigi License # - Lower Vigi Tier Gov't - Government Ilg. - Illegal Pharm. - Pharmaceutical Veh. - Vehicle Pos. - Possession (*) - Automatic Charge Federal Offenses First Offense Second Offense Third Offense Grounds for Probable Cause Notes & Examples Aiding in Evidence Lockup Robbery VL $112,500 + SW $112,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the hacking of the Evidence Lockup and the hack was succesful. Attempted Evidence Lockup Robbery VL $82,500 + SW $82,500 + SW Jail Warrants probable cause. Add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the start of an Evidence Lockup but the hack was stopped. Grand Larceny * VL $75,000 $75,000 Jail Warrants probable cause. Added if a civilian has taken part in the robbery of the Art Gallery or add if a suspect is proven to have taken part in the start of an Art Gallery. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  13. Chapter II - Use of Force Lethal Force Lethal force is authorized only when non-lethal force has failed or is inadequate to resolve the situation. Lethals are authorized temporarily: In Warzone, Cartels, Gang Base, and any Rebel Outpost. (This includes if/when the engagement moves out of the red zone) If there is 5 or less minutes of a server restart. Deputies/POs may be authorized to use lethal force by a Senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary." Vehicle Shooting Any means necessary only encompasses bypassing APD Rules and Procedures and not Server Rules. During this period you do not have to follow APD Rules or Procedures as long as it contributes to ending the any means situation. Exception: Corporals cannot authorize Deputy/PO lethals during any means necessary. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Gang Base Raids (Server Rules Chapter 13) No Active Skirmish Must follow rebel raid rules Exception: Code 3 does not automatically engage all armed civilians in the area. Exception: Limited to 5 waves Airdrop raids: Officers may only enter for a singular wave. Sergeant+ must be present for the raid. Sergeant+ can call in an Airdrop. Airdrops may be raided with a maximum of 5 officers. May only lethal individuals within the airdrop. APD Officers may not utilize Armed Aerial vehicles or armoured vehicles for the raid. APD Officers may utilize 1 armoured vehicle for the raid. APD Officers must respond Code 3 to the zone. Airdrops can be seized after the area has been called clear. Sergeant+ must authorize lethals at APD HQs for Deputies/Patrol Officers involved in the raid. Chapter XII - Federal Events Federal Events are defined as The Federal Reserve(Fed), The Federal Penitentiary (Jail/Evidence Lockup), and the Blackwater Weapons Facility (BW/Blackwater) Order of Priority: Blackwater, Federal Reserve, Jail/Evidence Lockup If 5 or less officers are online during a Jailbreak/Evidence Lockup, wave rule is not required. Active Federal Events If the bomb is planted or doors are being cut open If there are 4 or less officers on duty, then the officers who are online are not required to respond. Exception: APD Officers must respond to the jail. Chapter XIII - APD Escort Event Lethals must be used during the escort. Corporal+ must authorize Deputy/PO Lethals prior to starting the APD Escort Event. The SDAR must be used by Deputies participating in the APD Escort Event. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  14. No, it follows the same rules as if you have text engaged the illegal vehicle(s). This change is to prevent a text from having to be unnecessarily sent to the illegal vehicle(s) that the Ghosthawk has already fired upon to remain guns hot if the illegal vehicle(s) choose to leave the inner anti-air circle ring.
  15. Chapter VIII - Searches and Seizures Seizure of Money Any person(s) who is seen involved with a robbery of any kind, inside an illegal area, charged with conducting a federal reserve robbery/drug trafficking/any robbery charge (example: Aiding in Reserve Robbery, Robbery, etc.), or interacting with a vehicle that falls into these categories may have any cash seized upon their search. Chapter XVII - APD Aircraft The Ghosthawk Ghosthawk patrols may be used to respond to heavy gang activity. The weapons may only be used on aerial, or illegal vehicles (including APD/R&R Hunters and Striders). Must be sent a text to land or park and given 10 seconds to comply. Exception: Any variant of the Blackfish only requires a 5 second engagement period. Once the text is sent, if the Blackfish pilot elects to change the Angle of Attack of the rotors to facilitate flight (read: changing rotors to take off), the Ghosthawk is guns hot. If the Ghosthawk is fired upon it may return fire, and that specific ghosthawk remains guns hot until the situation is resolved. This includes when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat (Example: civilian with an explosive launcher that has engaged the Ghosthawk via text or an explosive launcher clearly pointing at the Ghosthawk in a red zone) If multiple Ghosthawks have been shot down in the same situation, any Sergeant and above may decide to return to the situation guns hot provided they notify a member of the opposing force. If an APD Ghosthawk is stolen, the APD may use Any Means Necessary to recover it. The “guns hot” call must come from a Senior APD involved in the situation. Ghosthawks mirror the “guns hot” activity of other hawks. A Ghosthawk may be authorized "guns hot" within the federal event's anti-air circle after bomb blows at a federal event in cases where civilians are holding the area without the intent to leave. Exception: Ghosthawks are authorized "guns hot" after bomb blows on illegal vehicles within the federal event's inner anti-air circle (this includes RnR armored vehicles). If an illegal vehicle is fired upon by the Ghosthawk and leaves the federal event's inner anti-air circle the Ghosthawk remains "guns hot" on the illegal vehicle. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  16. Chapter XIII - APD Escort Event Corporal+ can start an APD Escort Event. Maximum amount of APD Officers able to attend APD Escort Event: Small Escort Event - 6 Medium Escort Event - 8 Large Escort Event - 10 APD Officers that are involved in an APD Escort Event must continue to participate in the APD Escort Event until the truck reaches the drop-off location or is destroyed. Chapter X - Illegal Areas Gang Base Raids (Server Rules Chapter 13) No Active Skirmish Must follow rebel raid rules Exception: Code 3 does not automatically engage all armed civilians in the area. Exception: Limited to 5 waves Chapter XVII - APD Aircraft Recon Aerial Vehicle Patrol - The Aircraft can be used for both recon and rapid response. Recon patrols can be performed by any APD member, with the approval of a Corporal or higher. May not directly engage ground units. Must leave with the wave, but does not have to return to HQ when the wave ends. Must not use lights and sirens. (this includes checking redzones/cartels). (Does not apply to Cartels/Rebels) Officers may switch from recon to rapid response, but not the other way around. Recon Patrols conducted in a Helicopter may have a pilot and co-pilot as it’s crew. Recon planes may be operated by more than one officer. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
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  17. Chapter XXI - April Fools[edit] Kavala Redzone APD Officers must utilize lethal force when inside the Kavala Redzone (Deputies may utilize SDARS) No wave rule is required for responding to the Kavala Redzone. Code 3 is not required inside the Kavala Redzone. APD Officers may only fire upon civilians that have fired upon them first within the Kavala Redzone. Exception: R&R and Silla, (-s-) tagged or not may be shot on site due to be being deemed domestic terrorist groups. All APD vehicles must be driven backwards inside the Kavala Redzone. @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  18. PSA - APD Escort Event

    APD Officers that choose to participate in the APD Escort Event must continue to participate in the APD Escort Event until the truck reaches the drop off location or is destroyed. 

    APD Officers cannot deviate from participating in the APD Escort Event to respond to other situations, camp bodies etc.

     @Chief of Police,@Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member


  19. Chapter II - Use of Force Lethal Force Lethal force is authorized only when non-lethal force has failed or is inadequate to resolve the situation. Lethals are authorized temporarily: In Warzone, Cartels, Gang Base, and any Rebel Outpost. (This includes if/when the engagement moves out of the red zone) If there is 5 or less minutes of a server restart. POs may be authorized to use lethal force by a Senior APD member during "Any Means Necessary." Tasers are inadequate to resolve the situation. If the suspect is on a roof that has no way to access or is only accessible by ladder. If fired upon without previous engagement, you may return fire with extreme care for the life and property of the APD. If the suspect is in a armed vehicle's gunner seat. SGT+ can utilize lethals during trial by combat (if part of the agreement made with the suspect). Chapter V - Processing Suspects Corporal+ may conduct trial by combat with suspects (come to an agreement with a suspect that will be determined through combat). Example: If the suspect wins APD will let you go, if the APD wins you pay your ticket. Exception: APD Officers cannot add more than 1 charge onto a suspect. Exception: Only SGT+ can lethal during trial by combat (if part of the agreement made with the suspect). Chapter XIII - APD Escort Event[edit] Corporal+ can start an APD Escort Event. Lethals must be used during the escort. Corporal+ must authorize PO Lethals prior to starting the APD Escort Event. The SDAR must be used by Deputies participating in the APD Escort Event. @Chief of Police, @Deputy Chief of Police, @Senior APD Member & @APD Member
  20. The APD Escort is an event that is for civs to try and collaborate in killing the APD to get the gear inside the truck. If the truck became a KOS area (RedZone) rather than a BlueZone it is a mobile KOS area that civs are able to also drive if they kill all the APD with the truck and could take it to any area such as Kavala Square and just start shooting everyone. It is also a Server Rule not an APD Master Handbook Rule so it would be staff that would need to make the change.
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