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Everything posted by Theak

  1. So using right panel is still bugged. keeps kicking me when i use it... so thats fun

  2. 3rd person fix is out. tested it and i also will note on editor there are new camera radar and modules that look awesome.
    Im just happy they fixed it.

    Thanks BI

    1. Theak


      perfect timing because i just hit my 50hr mark for medic.... soon i will be able to fly to you guys and respond fast enough for you to not d.c. as i get there ;)

  3. thats my point
  4. Can this months donation goal be:
    Having players who break the rules be forced to wear a big bright orange cone hat were they CAN NOT use a gun (lethal items included) or process illegal items.
    That will solve lots of problems.
    In-staid of banning them for a few days ( here take a few days off of breaking the rules)
    This would keep the population up. 
    However i would see gang cone heads appear pretty quickly i'm sure.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. silton


      Yea imma pay money so if i get banned all my fun is gone :) NICE

      1 hour ago, Berg02 said:

      Trigger warning if suicide offends u don't read

      Actually hang yourself from a fucking tree

      ^^^ What he said

    3. Theak


      It would not be for the people who get banned all the time like you guys apperently. It's for the people who play the game and follow the rules that dont like getting rdmed.

      It would be something to take away from people who can't handle the responsibility of using guns and rp on the server.

      And by you showing you don't like it that already shows its effectiveness. ;)

      Now accually refrain form the 12yr old comments on my profile about suicide. Your constantly putting people down and leaving very disterbing comments everytime I see your name on these forms. I certanly don't appriciate it. Now take your aids somewhere else and don't post on my profile with crap.

      Silton who even are you?



      I'm quite happy with life.

    4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaa


      Xd asking who @Silton is lmao.

      the reason that this is bullshit is most bans I have gotten aren't even straight up rulebreaks. For example once I got a ban for stripping an app memebers gear and then calling a hostage situation. No where in the rules. Again, this idea is fucking retarded just leave kavala and you'll be fine retard

      Also rp on the server what a joke

  5. big bright orange cone hats for rule breakers were they can't buy a gun or process illegal items . That will solve lots of problems
  6. Its a honor system if anything. No rule need apply. No rule could apply other than if you conclusively make a decision to break the rules you get some type of repercussion. I say we add dunce hats to people to break the rules
  7. Nah i think its a tough job to have to decide who gets the hammer and for how long.... how many perms stay permed for example. Religious cancer people get the ban hammer and just take a break and go cause problems on other servers for a few days. I still say paying for a concision decision to break the rules isn't ok. Accidental rule breaking and comping sure. but blatantly trying to buy your way around the rules should still have consequences. I am now curious as to the whole situation and how the combat store took place.
  8. i wouldn't want everyone scat player to have the ability to run around free from justice. that would be cancer to the apd.
  9. also... how do you accidently combat store.... you had to of intentionally broke the rule there.... were you not aware you were enganged?
  10. I dont see why there should be a no comp rule... its at the players word to not turn it in. Maybe have a system in place like joining support teams teamspeak and submitting a mutual comp fulfillment ticket before or as you comp the person with both people present in the team-speak and a support team ticket number with video proff to back up that transaction. again i get that you have video proff but that player either didnt inform them that the comp was sufficient or someone decided it wasn't good enough.
  11. again not to add salt here but maybe ingis didnt think that was good enough server side to lift or reduce the ban. That is why he his staff to make those calls.
  12. But did that said player inform ingis that the compensation has been met. and even then i dont think thats a server thing. i think that's more of a threat players use as a scare tactic. Half the time its a bluff, who wants to take the time to report someone. And to agree with dante fleury it shouldn't be ok to just comp someone and then get away with breaking rules repeatedly, accidents happen and stress induced decisions can make your brain stop thinking things through sure. I mean idk if you frequently break rules and just pay your way out of it ( not saying you do or dont) but i would say thats not ok. I also dont know all the story here but i imagine there is more to it or it would have been resolved. Again you should call out the person whom didnt say he had been compensated or still turned it in but I also wouldn't be putting myself or staff on blast like this either.
  13. Its up to the player to say that compensation has been satisfied. Not up to Ingis to judge if there has been the correct terms met in his opinion to lift said persons player report. I'm not taking sides here but just saying don't blame him for someone not fulfilling their end of the agreement by not telling ingis to lift the ban. Its the players responsibility not ingis's. I see where your comming from and all but still the other player has to redact his player report first. Unless theres more to it that isn't being said... idk my 2 cents an't worth the time to read anyway. I would be upset i got scamed too i guess but then again... i dont combat store so theres that.
  14. maybe make the mask worth like 500,000k each or everyone would by one and abuse the hell out of it. then have your name = a number string instaid so you can still be engaged through texts if your in a vehicle.
  15. How is this Ingis's fault..... Its up to whom you comped to accept the comp and inform them that it has been rectified... why don't you call out that guy in staid of someone upholding their duties? I mean not to add salt to the wound here but.... you combat stored...... maybe try not doing that and Ingis wont have to slam the ban hammer in the first place. Its really shitty that the person didn't uphold his end of the deal though. It takes 2 seconds to send them a message saying issue resolved.
  16. There is a CONFIRMED fix for the 3rd person Helicopter view mess up.
    Its currently up and running on the dev build 1.71. They are talking about an intermediate update to the main build, no word on when yet but a working dev build test has been verified to have fixed the issues by a few people anyway. Soon i can fly again without wanting to through my keyboard through the screen.
    You can test it yourself by downloading the dev build but it wont work for the server as it runs the main build.
    Im glad that BI has acknowledged their mistake are worked to correct this massive mistake.
    Arma 3 has thee best helicopter flight experience of any game Ive played and while its not the main reason i play arma 3, it is a big part. I can still fly and land now but its not the same and its not as it should be. Helicopters don't fly or land like a jet. Sure i can fly 1st person but i still like my 3rd person view unmolested by the fix wing view mode.

  17. run in compatible mode under options
  18. 3rd person helicpoter view fix in progress!

    Coming from bi''s website they have coded a fix and are testing. A update should be ready soon.

    Ya I can fly again.


    1. QKSILVR73


      haven't had any issues with that here :/


  19. If your having issues with your lazer designation the current keybinding is  \    which also is salute... so i changed it to insert works great.

    ALSO if your tired of seeing the panel mode and next right panel. keybind them both to home and they leave the scroll wheel.

    I heard that resetting your presets to apex fixes your heli view but i have not checked this nor does it make sense.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RogueMK


      there is no way of fixing it untill BI hotfix it, was a mistake on their part was only ment for the jets not the heli's too


    3. Theak


      Its under common and its called panel ... left right etc


    4. Theak


      I soft logged and the lazer designator switched from    \    to T.... so theres that

  20. Wow i just jumped onto editor, i am extremely disappointed with how they messed up the helicopters.
    I love flying but not like this. I really hope they change helicopters back to the way they were. idc what they do with planes, but why should the helicopters fly like jets.
    Is there a way to undo that last update if i want to do editor stuff.
    if they leave it like this then half of this game for me is now garbage.

    For those who say its not a big difference, just stop.... its a huge difference.
    I wish i could afford the i tracker maybe that would help but the helicopters fly completely different
    I truly hope they fix this.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Theak


      oukej     1217

      • oukej
        • MWS.png
      • BI Developer
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      We're aware of the issue and will come up with a solution. Sorry for the inconvenience. It's been caused by external camera unification so the camera follows vehicle also in pitch. Which is awesome for airplanes, but for helicopters it has reduced the awareness when landing.

      Coped and pastest that

  21. happy birthday dude

  22. how much and which server
  23. That moment when you accidentally delete your main arma 3 profile... >.<

  24. Happy Birthday and congrats/my condolences lol

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