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Everything posted by RubberDuck

  1. Happy birthday!

    @ SPBojo  you sexy man.

    and @ Montez <3

    1. SPBojo


      Thank you mr handsome 😩

  2. <3 https://store.steampowered.com/wishlist/profiles/76561198126596512/#sort=order
  3. RubberDuck


    I’m going to run you over with a tractor when they are added
  4. Cya guys around <3

    1. SPBojo


      love you lots

  5. RubberDuck


    Hit me up on steam whenever, sucks that you are leaving
  6. All about that wallpaper engine and spotify
  7. the forums are gettin whack man
  8. Get better man, wish to see ya around. Good luck with everything, and thank you for everything.
  9. Scrolling on the good o' Hub trying to find the perfect video. <3
  10. Says nothing in the handbook/rules about teaming with civs.
  11. The guy below me = bigGay
  12. I better see you again, I’ll miss ya man.
  13. They still have to come code 3 in illegal zones, Im pretty sure he means like in non-redzones.
  14. God save the staff right now

    1. Ryan


      wE aRe UnDeR aTtAcK

  15. Can confirm @Scribble is a snitch, will be shot.


  16. Glad to see a fellow roleplayer, sadly if you left your gopro at home you learned your lesson to have it always at hand. Otherwise I have to agree this is a shit show.
  17. Can we replace the G horn with audio of "Pull Over", Im here to strictly roleplay, thanks. https://www.audioblocks.com/stock-audio/police-bull-horn-pull-over.html
  18. Not only the best Corp N/A, but the best streamer N/A


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