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Everything posted by Chaos

  1. oh boy, Fushigi got mod... gonna get exposed now gtg.


    1. Chaos


      If your not careful, I’ll come back and prove just how good that gun is all over again ;)

  2. Alright who are the active gangs now? Ya boy needs a gang to join

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrB1


      DO IT FOR THE MEME 2018
      but yes join Trident 

    3. Chaos


      Already gonna vote for my bby... want to see where you can take this tbh think it would be funny af.... also idk about trident tbh... I do miss obeymatt tho

    4. DeadPool


      What other gang is there that does anything?????

  3. Been a long time since we met... Good luck my friend.
  4. man i loved my kx 125.....
  5. was excited for keystone... was immediately let down.
  6. 51
  7. Chaos

    Selling Hunter

    I have 10 they aren't rare lol I'll just give you one
  8. Kill Yourself.
  9. When everyone Is talking about all the laws Olympus is "breaking" and your in Canada like, sorry your a bitch.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Chaos


      56 minutes ago, RambleR said:

      Kid has no idea what he is talking about. On his own will he opens the forums and on his own will he reads the forums. Unless we had personal information like his name or number and were personally using his name or texting him saying kill yourself it simply comes down to freedom of speech. He can flap his law dick all he wants, just makes me laugh :)

      I know it's funny af

    3. Rappy


      Poutine is fucking disgusting

    4. Toasty


      @Rappy dont trash talk the culture

  10. 4 crater and garage 7 mil,
  11. Nope
  12. yup 1 mil?
  13. Abdera 4 crater server 1.
    1. Tman15tmb


      Tis not me

      Last time I played battlefield was about 5 or 6 years ago.

    2. Lucki


      Oddly enough about an hour ago, we saw a Tman1984 get killed in Battlegrounds.

    3. Chaos


      Shit I see there is an imposter

  14. 4 crater. 7 mil.
  15. ah I see, that why VX never shows up to a fight
  16. YES YES Pls Price?
  17. ill take them all for 4 mil
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