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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Iceman

  1. Hey everyone, long time no talk! I've been working hard on something lately that I wanted to share with you all. I've created a blog that I believe will interest a lot of you! It's called "InfinityVerse" where I post articles that I've created on a wide range of topics. I'd love if you would take a look at the site, maybe take some time to read through a few articles, and let me know what you think! I'm extremely open to content suggestions, and general feedback. Thanks everybody and I hope you are all doing well!


  2. Hi Everyone; now that I'm able to speak my mind freely without needing to be worried about what I say in public, I'd like to make a post regarding my situation and shine some light on what really goes on behind closed doors. Before I get into it, I want it to be known that I did not "freely" step down because "I didn't want to be SAPD anymore." That is a lie, and you should feel ashamed for telling people that you know who you are. First off, I would like to point out that since becoming a SGT almost 300 days ago, I have never missed a time, never missed an OIC, and have never been on LOA. For reference: (Each box represents a week, and the hours logged, I can only see 7 back.) 294 Iceman 4.83 4.98 3.53 3.63 3.12 3.77 3.93 There have been times when playing was tough, but I stuck through it because of my friends and not wanting to let anyone down. Pretty stupid, considering it's a video game, but I like to make others happy, even at my own expense at times. I would also like to point out that since becoming a Sr APD member, I have never been in game with my chief, nor has he ever logged into the game since I was promoted. That's mind-blowing. I would like to bring to light some of the reasoning behind Winters and the upper SAPD feeling like they are above the rules they set for other people. Let's start with my conversation with the man himself during our final discussion today. He mentioned that he does not need to play in game due to completing "APD work" behind the scenes. That work consists of, and I quote, "This very conversation we are having right now." It was also mentioned that he sets up meetings (Quick Snapchat to the group chat FYI) and attends the meetings. I have also been at well over 80% of the meetings since becoming a senior, many others cannot say the same. At this point, I was questioned on what I bring to the table for the APD. I felt my single strongest quality as a SAPD member was my relationships with Jr APD and my approachability. I tried to make myself available as much as I could and get you an answer as fast as I could. I felt I was very liked by others; however, when I mentioned this, I was told by Winters, “That's very subjective.” I disagree, and I think a large majority of Jr APD who have played with me would as well. It was also discussed in my rebuttal that certain Captain+ SAPD members did not want to play with a variety of Jr APD members because (Quote) “I have already played with other people enough in my 1500 hours on cop.” FYI to anyone who submits a Feedback request, playing with a variety of people is one of the main things that is looked at when being judged. I did my best to leave specific names out of this because I would like to maintain the character that I have upheld ever since becoming SAPD. However, I wanted to put this post out in the open and give everyone a first-person POV of what really is talked about and what really goes on when no one is looking. I could sit here and type all day with examples; however, I will leave it here because if you made it this far, you get the point. I would like to thank ALL of the Jr. APD for the opportunity to lead you this past year. It was an amazing experience, so thank you.
  3. For anyone who was wondering, the 10 hour minimum was not a joke. Just to clear up any confusion on my removal. 

    1. The_Real_Jester


      And how many hours did winters put in this week?

    2. Grizzly


      The most BS thing I've ever seen, like oh hey it's summer people don't have school. Ever heard if work? SMH

    3. Grizzly


      https://gyazo.com/478445c0107452d8f92c2735daa7664d seems like a joke to me @ Iceman , Any Idea who this could be?

  4. The more I think about it... this would almost be like risking your own money, getting lucky, and the government thinking they deserve a piece of it... oh wait.. Shit
  5. If your best friend of 9 years blocks you over $50 (or even 300 bucks for that matter) he probably wasn't your best friend. Especially since it was your money, its not like you stole from him or did something shady.
  6. LOL this actually made me laugh! You know what else I can't believe? Call of duty has bugs, including game breaking ones, with a BILLION dollar budget to develop a game over the course of several years. Its just insane to me that the olympus devs would allow a bug to enter this server while juggling school and full time jobs that actually pay bills! Blasphemy!!
  7. Funny because 90%+ of the Devs make a higher salary CURRENTLY then you will ever make. Don't make fun of McDonalds workers just because you're making big bucks over there at Burger King.
  8. Congrats @ Bubbaloo Burrito ! Its always exciting getting a new PC!
  9. @ Nephew also had this problem. He also resorted to not opening the game any more.
  10. @ hawk is not for sale
  11. Congrats @ Brandyn super deserved!

  12. @ Noble  DID YOU THINK IT WAS OVER SON?!?! 🩸

    1. Noble


      dude if NVidia doesn't hit im done for

  13. Iceman


    I only buy from OG @ Noble
  14. @ antonio @ Masoooooooooon @ Headless  Happy Birthday!

    Parents must have had a fun Christmas 20 some years ago😜

  15. Iceman


    07 sir. Good luck on your certs! Also I aint no simp, so keep my wife name out yo fuckin mouth!
  17. For all the gear my pocket admins spawn in for me silly goose
  18. "$51,546 has been added to your bank account because the federal reserve bomb has been defused by Police | Iceman" Civs make way more money than cops for completing federal events successfully. The average non lethal cop maybe makes 100-200k for an event (if cops win.) The average lethal loader makes... maybe 200-500k? Sometimes I make more, sometimes less. Definitely doesn't cover the insurance for 6 hunters that get blown up or taken to chop shop though. With fed blow rate/winrate as high as it is, Civs are generating much more money into the economy via feds than Cops are. Your argument is flawed in almost every sentence. I think people assume that its fun to play dying simulator for 30 minutes 2-3 times a restart? Do you think it is fun for anyone to slam a fed in paper hatchbacks 47 times? You do realize if you take all of the fun from cops, they will stop playing: Then you wont even be able to meet the 5 cops minimum to start a fed. Noone is saying its a good idea to stack 20 people on 6 Civs doing a Fed, however, it should not be even numbers in no way, shape, or form. 2-1 ratio is not even ridiculous in itself. Half of the cops or more have T1-2 and Sting/MX with tasers only.
  19. 17 mill take it or leave it buddy
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