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Status Replies posted by Rusty

  1. Gang life ain't dead, it's just something called having a real life as opposed to a fake one on arma. There's school, friends, and the outside, so god damn it stop saying gangs like MC, Trident and Prime are dead/disbanded cause I can garuntee that within the next month, give or take, everyone will be as active as they previously were. So ye

  2. pce everyone I'm out for a while.

    free my bois phizx bumbaclat logr cake trimorphious garrett 

    Oh and incase my msg didn't get through i'm stepping down from pd don't wanna get dewhitelisted for missing times.

  3. When MC does a BW and lets Daevon grab all the loot...

    1. Rusty


      8 hours ago, Ryannathant said:

      Idk where you get low tier shit gang from bud, and I'm sorry cause you know I try not to talk shit about other gangs, but when someone starts I try to finish. Mc isn't even active, I don't even remember seeing mc winning a fight in forever. Don't go around talking shit Leslie when all I seen your gang do recently is roach in on our fights, and after we fk them they spam me on steam asking to join in on the fight because we say they have nlr. This literally just happened yesterday and when we let them join in, heavily outnumbering us, they still lost. 

      AND they have improved since the last time I said this. 

      I like 95% of the guys in MC, dont make me start beef with shit talk, shut the hell up and learn to take a joke. Stop being autistic on the forums.

      Tbh i dont like leslie hes a little annoying 10 year old kid but who the fuck are you ryan? 

    2. (See 15 other replies to this status update)

  4. Welp this is awkward...



  5. my life is over im banned from syms chat on twitch :( 


    sorry had to do the monthly.
    oh and I mean the main bois not the hackers people have been mad at me about making these from.

  7. Olympus Minecraft Gang Wars #1









  8. Olympus Minecraft Gang Wars #1









  9. Olympus Minecraft Gang Wars #1









  10. mfw there is 25 cops on for a bw :>


    1. Rusty


      I don't hate you. I just think your shit. You have said this like 3 times now. Trash boi

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  11. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

    1. Rusty


      Listen you sit in a ts all day sucking tigers ass. Why you even talking.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  12. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

    1. Rusty


      You think im salty lol? your just as dumb as half of the kids on here aint you.

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  13. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

  14. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

  15. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

    1. Rusty


      You have no clue what i look like and nobody does neither. So whatever stuff your seeing is false. No one as proof what i look like neither. So until you do know stfu please and go suck tiger off for lieutenant tag in his teamspeak you virgin

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  16. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

    1. Rusty


      @jwillyYou one of tigers fans too? You pay him to be in his gang little boy?

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  17. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

  18. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

    1. Rusty


      @HyperGoat Does it look like a play anymore? you sit on league all day long. And why u trying to chat shit to me here, when your in our teamspeak your straight sucking my dick. Don't start.

      Oh your in prime now LOL. thats why your chatting shit to me now. Sucking tiger off now instead of me ye?

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  19. First primes to scared to push a cartel now they're to scared to do a BW.

    Oh No!!!

    1. Rusty


      Prime a bunch of random kids and a fat shit named tiger. Go out for once

    2. (See 27 other replies to this status update)

  20. Don't ever play yourself.


  21. @Goodman I want you to know, I've always hated you.

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