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Everything posted by Adaptation

  1. So who here has summer school?

    1. SPBojo


      Im guessing you do? ; )

    2. Poseidon


      I had it freshman year of high school, really wasn't all that bad. Was quicker then a normal class with less homework.

    3. Tman15tmb


      I had summer school two out of my four years in high school. Probably wouldn't surprise most people lol.

  2. This is why you shouldn't run over skeleton's http://gyazo.com/746bae6e7291b2b909d97b030f9016b9

    1. Thomas


      That is why you SHOULD

  3. 1,000 medic revives, 1,000 more to go!

  4. Mc's, and Pcp gangs got messed up today at the fed, Peter longs landing was on point the second time, lmfao :D Good fight though, You guys ran away :D

  5. That moment when you wake up early and you see nobody is online -,-

  6. I need 49 revives to reach 1,000 revives, Ez money Ez life!

    1. BENJI


      How did you check stats :(

    2. Adaptation


       That post was so long ago, It was back when we had the old website 

  7. Who was the person giving out R&R interview questions and answers? Anyway I nailed my Heavy Respond-er test's, No need to test me, I know it all What we do need are random verbal test's, Like what the APD does every now and then.
  8. Had to do a riot control today as a APD officer in kavala sqaure. We had to take cover in our kavala HQ. Thanks to peter long, He made my day, lmfao

    1. TheDogsGoMoo


      Riot control? What was the riot like?

    2. Brennan


      aka adding terror/riot to every civ in sight :/

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Adding terror/riot to the off road full of people who stormed the gates, then containing them. Don't mess with me and my fellow officers, we gonna get ya. #APD4LIFE

  9. I really dont know what to think about this, How about you guys vote on it! Dont think too hard. http://strawpoii.me/4605579

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Fastik


      Thankfully my phone didn't load it and i read up on the top your thing has been created at this link and i was like rip

    3. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      I alt tabbed into the game and through that it was the porno when he put it in wrong hole

      I mean, what?

  10. Its making think, I have people watching me now, Eye to eye :D

  11. Happens on the daily
  12. I shall carry out your honor! fight until the death!
  13. Sometimes you have your ups and downs
  14. This is my baby picture!
  15. It only took about 100 deaths on APD's side
  16. Good to know man, Welcome back. I guess I will be seeing you around!
  17. I can also confirm this, As being a medic we get calls of mass rdmer's, The only way to stop this is to record it happen, But most of all to add a script for a ghost mode would take time and also affect the script for the actual event script. But there can always be a chance...
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