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Developer II
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Everything posted by Milo

  1. This was already fixed yesterday and will be addressed in tonight's hotfix.
  2. I heard that the staff member is also adding nukes to the Client Mod too- very concerning!!
  3. Finally showing your true colors- I know @ Rexo (furry Chief) is real proud of you rn
  4. Also I actually really do hear you when you talk about the event stuff. I'd say the high majority of our staff do actually care. I think the larger issue is that a lot of the players we had in the RT process either did not care themselves or did not have enough creativity to come up with new and cool ideas. I think our entire SQF team is about this close to jumping off a cliff if we have to make one more stupid escort related event haha. I know @ Millennium has really been on the same page with that and hopefully now that he has the rains again; a lot of that will improve for the better
  5. We can do this
  6. @ TheHeroNoob  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! 🥳🎂🎈

    1. TheHeroNoob


      THANK YOU!!!!!! *slips it in* >\\\<

  7. A lot of brain rot in this thread tbh. There is another community that has standalone anti-cheat that is installed outside of Arma which I imagine is even more effective than ours but it is also likely extremely invasive. As far as mission AC goes FAC is probably the best in the entire Arma community. Although we will always have issues with conquest due to the nature of what is quite literally undetectable and not able to be banned for without a high standard of evidence; I'd say server 1 is extremely clean of cheat use. To those complaining, just because you got steam rolled doesn't mean they are cheating Also we seldom unban cheaters either- there are plenty of people who have been putting in ban appeals for years who would be able to give testimonials to that lmao.
  8. Not my fault that ours is boring because our players are too busy actually playing in-game! Also don't you have some LC related documentation to be writing?
  9. Credit to @ BU rando for the stream captured
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