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Everything posted by Milo

  1. All those tags almost be looking like a rainbow. You got something you want to talk to us about @ Doke TV ?
  2. I mean agreed. I respect community consesus, faction leadership and roundtable. I just think it's a really good idea and am eager to see it happen.
  3. @ The Sovereign I've already cooked the above too. If you get it approved, I'll get it sent
  4. Out of reactions for the day but
  5. WILL COOK Give me your Gary blessing to make deadman switch go off on taze?
  6. Happy birthday @ Rafa  🙂!!


    1. Clashingtin


      learn to drive bro

    2. Welshy


      I wonder who was driving that red hatchback going to rebel.....:kappa:

  8. In my opinion the rules regarding suicide vests just need to be entirely reworked. @ Millennium is correct that it is extremely easy to walk into an HQ and kill restrained players. However I believe @ The Sovereign is onto something in simplifing this. Suicide vests should really be able to be used in any situation where you are actively engaged. As long are you are intending to strike an enemy, and not just people in restraints; anything else should be deemed crossfire per the existing RDM/cross fire provisions in the Altis Life rules. If there needs to be further balance then I think it is worth evaluating whether players should be able to be shot on sight for possessing a suivest or deadman switch but I don't think there is any harm in simplifying rules it sounds like a lot of people have been banned for misunderstanding. That's just my take though
  9. Also make deadman switches work for tasers. A suicide vest and deadman switch is an extremely expensive one time use item that deserves a little extra love. In my opinion would be a perfect and reasonable nerf to the APD warrant system
  10. Milo

    RIP 100m

    At least you knew when to stop and didn't hit zero haha
  11. @ xsmitherz  Your rain (should) be fixed next update 😂


    1. xsmitherz
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      @ xsmitherz Screenshot his status update and hold it over him when it inevitably rains all day every day next update ;D

  12. As Shawn and Element mentioned, what a lot of people don't realize is the sheer amount of stuff Mako does behind the scenes. He has helped with pretty much every update release to live and does a lot on the daily that's not visible enough to be apprecaited for. Oftentimes it is a lot of the shit that none of the rest of us actually wanna deal with too. I remember having a conversation with Mako a long time ago where I specifically told him I disagreed with some of the things he'd go about saying, and that he should especially not be saying it from his role. I can say that since that conversation, I definitely agree with Silton that he has come a long ways since then. Obviously calling someone a "retard" in a dispute isn't stellar, but ultimantely it's a game, heads get hot; and although I don't frequent it, I am sure I have probably said similar things in disputes at some point or another. It's easy to be playing a game and get frustrated. That being said @ Mako fuck you though for having me play rock paper scissors with Nicole last update for who writes in-game changelog. That shit sucked haha.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Frato


      I'm surprised there was more than one person who was worse than you stars aligned for this one

    3. Big Boss Fredo

      Big Boss Fredo

      Teamplayers | cross eyed Milo 

    4. Lucky luciano

      Lucky luciano

      this guy sold me money in 2016 

  14. Happy birthday @ Weaz  🥳!

    1. Weaz


      thanks milo, hope ur enjoying those dev 2 perks finally 🙂

  15. The performance for games is about the same. OS upgrades can sometimes cause weird driver issues amongst other things which is a worthwhile notable risk, but usually pretty small. In my personal opinion I feel like Windows 11 doesn't introduce enough to be worth it however it would make sense to upgrade as then you could get used to it before you ever get a new PC where it is already pre-loaded. I'm not a super large fan of Windows 11 in comparison to Windows 10 but then again everyone said the same thing about 10 back when it succeeded Windows 7 & 8. TLDR: Compatibility can be a concern with OS upgrades, and there isn't a whole lot of advantage gained in upgrading; however it is probably the best move to keep your PC running sustainably in the future so it probably still is worth it. Best of luck if you go through with it
  16. Thank you all so much for the congratulations and stuff. I look forward to living up to my reputation of breaking the server fixing the server and adding new content 😄

    A special thanks to all my homies in development too, ly guys 🫡❤️

    1. N9ne


      They would probably love you back if you stopped breaking the server..... anyways congrats 🙂 

    2. Weaz


      breaking the server is the job don't let anyone tell you otherwise, and congrats 🙂

  17. We are going to try to release a hotfix tomorrow for any recent bugs of this update. If you've found a bug please create a bug report for us here before tomorrow morning.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Milo


      @ -Shawn-  Can't take credit for that as that's @ nicole 's work haha but thank you 🙂!!

    3. -dante-


      Look bro… if you have to take the credit for every break it’s okay to steal a little of the praise too 😉 

    4. knifemaster


      @ Milo  did you do anything good this update? or did you just break everything ❤️

  18. A cool idea I was balling around today- nothing set in stone but just wanted to share it 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. stayclaxxy


      @ silton that's a huge idea thanks for doing your part as a civilian council member!

    3. Milo
    4. -dante-


      Give it to cops too and Feds about to be wild as hell, I’m tryna 360 jet pack mar10 someone over the barriers 

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