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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Fuck does that mean I have to play more rust? Big L
  2. Looking forward to playing again!
  3. I fucking swear to god if you dont give me this I have an addiction I need to attend
  4. You should ask @Badger!
  5. Tiger


    Silton turned into a little bitch :/
  6. Just got 2 more ghost hawks, pm me or @Hydra if you wanna buy
  7. Good fights everyone. Thanks to @Peter Long for hosting was fun

    1. silton


      ez for boolinson boys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tiger


      it got tp'd out

      so Prime owns the first ghost hawk reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    3. Savage


      Jesse why tf was the hawk IN the bomb room :lol:

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Ghost Hawk is so strong we had to balance it by making the removal of it from the dome an additional hurdle to overcome.  You're welcome.

  8. OMG Vision is that you??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
  9. I feel like someone hurt your feelings
  10. People can just run in the open and die? Dont have to be obvious throwing
  11. I mean people can still throw and get a cut from the winners share. It's just a broken system and should not be a thing. Do a normal gang wars and then do a draft after or something
  12. I feel like people will just throw if we do draft
  13. No just the fact that there are barely fights anymore.
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