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Everything posted by Ebzekro

  1. I think the worst aspect of physical inventory in houses is the lack of ability to feasibly organize items.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Kurt


      @Ebzekro @draMa @Dante I whipped this up to organize house inventories.  If you have any other suggestions let me know!


    3. drama


      Kurt’s a fuckin guru. Looks great

    4. Ebzekro


      Kurt you are the man dude

  2. Happy mofos all you sexy mofos out there. Thanks for serving if you have, or are still currently. Remember, if you blow off your hand from a firework, you can probably still get a fake one to continue to play arma. Soo go nuts!

  3. After this let's all move over and play some $25/50 PLO for real money woo
  4. Man what happened to the cop roleplay. It seems like it died. Sad. Try to have some fun with cops as a fresh spawn after a situation is all processed and all you get is leave the hq, move faster or be tazed, 20 seconds to leave. then once you do leave it's ignored or robo cop the charges. Mannnn. It's just a game peeps. Have some fun. Shit is life that bad that ya really need to take the game so seriously that ya get pissed off at every little thing. I dont get it. O_o

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. -dante-


      Obviously there are some cops who simply want the combat and to get passed processing as quickly as possible to go find the next fight. But, for the few that actually want to put effort, it does go both ways. When every single mk1 is a nerf/paintball gun, it gets old. When you kill 30 people but get mad because someone won’t roleplay the story with you.. that’s really on the civ. I do understand the frustration though of having a few manslaughters and a legal gun and all that jazz and having a cop try to get rid of you as quickly as possible. I’ve been under random aliases and stayed anonymous and had to get the shit processing’s for my bare minimum charges. It’s inevitable that you’ll come across the shit cops. But if you truly put unique effort into RP without having retarded amounts of charges, you’ll find the guys that do appreciate it and will try to help you out. 

    3. Homicide


      Thats why i RP every situation from begining to end beacuse believe it or not i do it for RP not $ u can ask everyone that has ever played with me its no fun if u cant RP 

    4. Ebzekro


      @Jesse Ya I get ya, but that's what I was saying, make it fun instead of maximizing paychecks. I guess having money is fun, but is it worth it at the expense of making the other person salty or, more salty. @MrBoonie rofl where you get that number from? @kev I feel ya about getting a pardon, but it isn't even about getting a pardon. Shit i'd pay a full ticket for a good time. I mean the game is about having fun and if im having fun being processed, it honestly could be more fun then afk flying in a heli looking for people or running around in kavala. @John Wayne Works everytime. @Homicide I'll have to find you one day then ^_^

  5. So if you mute someone using the player map, you can't hear their direct communication. So I could mute people and if they told me hands up or die and shot me, no one would ever know since they were muted, does that seem possible?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ebzekro


      assuming they record though

    3. Luke Duke

      Luke Duke

      Me and @Colt need to find your new garage and start parking in front of it again.

    4. Ebzekro


      lololol. Let me get a garage first 

      I got a major surgery tomorrow, but when I get back in a month or so, i'll let you guys know ^_^

  6. Looking to Buy Friends. $50. Must be active at least 2 times a week to put up with me. Message for more information

  7. BooBoo you should be careful man, or he'll end up saving you ip and ddosing you later. He's got a lotta time on his hands #antisocialclub
  9. I'm not gonna lie 3rip has done some sktechy stuff all the time and I thought he shoulda been banned a while ago. But this video really doesn't prove much of hacking at all. Had he not had his past he wouldn't have been banned. He honestly turn 50 degrees and shoots a gun who doesn't even have a vest. Not hard to one tap someone with an mk18 from that shot after they've shot you 3 times, He wasn't even behind much cover. Also, with arma being arma, when you get shot your gun shoots up in the air, but since it doesn't do it on your screen, the animation needs to catch up to what your movement was. If this was a random person and he didn't have the history that he did he wouldn't have been banned. I'm gonna go with the theory that Gary is being significantly influenced by mcpd boyz.
  10. Typical Thomas making the gay joke. It's starting to make sense why you always turn to the homo jokes first.........
  11. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime bub
  12. I'm waiting to see the funnies/best roleplay montages.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dustin87


      ^ That is the shit that my boy Muthinator would miss out on just because they shot at him. www.feelsbadman.com/

    3. Ham
  13. It's kind of up in the air to be honest. A lot of the people who complain about cops not roleplaying are the people who say hands up or die instantly to their gang or are in a gang who call hq takeovers when one of their guys get caught. A lot of the time, it's ok to robocop and send someone to jail if you know they are going to threaten you. The best times to rp is when there aren't a lot of members of the gang on or the bounty is like under 50k. Otherwise now-a-days, it's tough to have a good roleplay session without having to worry about bullshit
  14. I'm pretty sure my IQ dropped watching this video. Thanks breh
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