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Everything posted by Ham

  1. You say this, but you voted to keep them, why???
  2. GA's do not tank.


  4. GA doesn't tank. One MK-1 shot to the chest gets you down to 75 with CSAT and 75 in the upper arm. One Mk-1 shot to the chest of a carrier-lite gets you down to 85 and does 70-80 damage to the arms. GA has more protection, while the carrier-lite has higher protection.
  5. Cadet*
  6. From harasser to helper, what a great guy!
  7. The server has been running for quite a while, plus the accounts that people make when they are moderated and or trying to switch their name.
  8. I've only seen staff say they can't be watching 200 people, never 14,000.
  9. Damn, you've been here a long time!
  10. It means Keep Yourself Safe, goodness. I don't want the spoiled twat to get hurt on Christmas.
  11. Shut up you spoiled twat. kys
  12. Riddle 3: Mailbox Riddle 2: Footsteps? Riddle 9: Teapot
  13. Ham


    It's not that I'm stupid, I have a great GPA. It's funny that you believed that the picture was real. All I did was inspect element it and write my own words at the top.
  14. Ham


    This shit is fake as fuck.
  15. I didn't think you were even old enough to drink.
  16. Best Shot: Moob Best Driver: Kanger Best Heli Pilot: GOAT Best Officer: Darwins Misfit Best R&R: Ramennoodles Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Dingle Best RP'r: Bow Most Tactical: Moob Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Flapjack, ParkerRadley, BumbaClat, Another One, and Buffalo Bill Most Reliable: ParkerRadley/Maniac Most Dedicated Player: Old 3 Rip
  17. Man, I really hate when @Goodman comes into my TS channels and tells @Pledge and I to stop hating each other. Can you ban this kid @Bubbaloo Burrito :)

  18. Man, I really hate when Pledge keeps making shit remarks about him hating me. Can you ban this kid @Bubbaloo Burrito?

  19. Man, I really hate when @Pledge makes shit remarks on the forums. Can you ban this kid @Bubbaloo Burrito?

  20. Man, I really hate when Bubbaloo locks his thing so I can't agree with him. :/ kappa

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    2. Danger



      1 minute ago, Bubbaloo Burrito said:

      Just "like" it my son. 

      To many likes given out today =(

    3. Ham


      This was suppose to be a "shit remark" :)

  21. I stepped down, I didn't get demoted you cunts.

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