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Everything posted by Ham

  1. It's what happens when you stop being a career medic.
  2. Happy Birthday @RogueMK! Mr. Sergeant4ADay :P

  3. Happy Birthday @orcpoc :D. You got one tapped by a freshspawn with a rook at weed pro :P 

    1. Talindor


      must be that old age kicking in....

  4. It's kind of sad that some people have nothing better to do than ddos.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Children these days man. Is someone looking for a perm on top of a perm on top of a perm with perm frosting? 

    3. tim2


      Its also kinda sad u left crii evry timmmnn :(

    4. Ham


      If you're gonna just be toxic on my old post then just leave the forums.

  5. Happy Birthday Giggy Poo :D

    Is my Mom taking you somewhere nice?

  6. Ham


    Please keep this anger off the forums.
  7. Senior Support Team****
  8. You caught us...
  9. 719da30f2272c79333e616683ab77acd.png

    Did I read this correctly?

    1. Phizx


      Thats insane. I'm sure we'll meet the goal within the next week and a half

    2. Ham


      That's what I'm saying :D

  10. Congrats to Cheef of Polease @Fedot


  11. Congrats to Lieutenant @Wftmguy, Lieutenant @Low Tier Senior Andrew, Sergeant @EatMeth, Sergeant  @G.O.A.T., and Sergeant @Gibbs.

  12. Ham

    New Internet

    You're right next to a server
  13. Happy Birthday Josh! I hope you still don't pee on your leg.

  14. Hold up, did my boy @Maverick get unbanned? And if so, Maverick, I look forward to playing with you man. :)

    1. Ahmed99


      wat did he even get banned for

    2. Augustus


      I didn't even know he got banned, thought he just left 

    3. JoeL


      Permed for MASS RDM

  15. Well, that escalated quickly...


  16. I kind of wish that when you told people to get on the ground that they would do one of two things, 1. Not put their hands on their head and get on the ground, 2. Would comply making the situation not result in a death.

  17. I was on the server from April or May of 2015 and made a forum account in June. 3 Rip got banned in October or something like that. That would be about 5-6 months. I was under a different name for awhile, so I could see why you would think that.
  18. Not really. He was never as cancer as the people that are in the community today and he usually stayed out of sidechat.
  19. Happy Birthday, Dad. Thanks for the new car-seat, it makes me feel like a big boy.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JoeL


      He's an orphan

    3. Linka


      Ham actually has a case of terminal short term memory loss

    4. CheeseGrater
  20. I mean, Go-Karts would be cool.
  21. Ham

    I tried

    I like your new Chief tag.
  22. Ham


    I wil xpose grama guri. iz cuming
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