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Everything posted by Ryne

  1. Congrats @Brolafimage.png.0340cb594ebeefa8f067d570c4e7e568.png

    1. Noahhh!



  2. I'm famous!!! Great work @Noahhh!, glad to be part of the video, #noahforstaff.
  3. Ryne


  4. o7 , gl invoice pocket @Skateezy
  5. Back to back 12hr night shift... for no reason

  6. Hbd @Plumber hope ur enjoying life

  7. @Millennium snake

    1. Millennium


      All i did was clean ur money. 

      I hope you aren't actually mad at me.

    2. Ryne


      Ofc I’m mad, I earn most of my money playing medic all day.

  8. Half way through my shift, 6 hrs left

  9. Ye no
  10. @Kedar HBD , it’s met that high point

  11. prank'd so hard during event 


    1. John Feet
    2. Hunter


      you act like your good for killing one guy well your camping in a house

    3. Ryne


      @Vigi easy moneyim not acting like I’m good @ all , just thought it was funny as hell as he had no clue where I was, plus I wasn’t camping the objective was to push the house.....

  12. Interesting, I never gave a shit about what skin was on my hatchback till this post.. +1
  13. Golden rule : No Low Balling (Fully Upgraded) Pm for more information (image / location ) Closest 2 crater to Moonshine Distributor (In Dp 22)
  14. Oooo I'm ready!
  15. DP 22 ( 2 Crater ) - Best Positioning for ingredients and running Moonshine, closest 2 crater to Moonshine Distributor. PM/Message me if your interested in buying, also will give further details on what I'm asking for. https://gyazo.com/c627b5b50068c2b7c158d11c151f2075
  16. Ryne

    o7 APD

    If I ever come back, I want that perm PO @Pledge
  17. Ryne


    Holy shit, I thought you left Olympus ages ago... whoops. What’s up with the name change and not telling me? Hmmm
  18. Ryne


    Sorry, good memories! Support team was not my thing... Won’t forget (try hard) <3
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