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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Ninjaman427

  1. @StraeFuck you on gah - the homies

  2. lmfaooooo later bitch
  3. Anyone want to teach me and Plug how to play Ark?

  4. Does anyone have Linka’s Snapchat/phone number? @Linka me gummy and cake want you to come through

  5. LMFAOOO you dumbasses seriously are so scuffed.

  7. Need 2 for 6 man poker tournament. $10 buy in

  8. This ban war about to be a rude awakening.
  9. I'll just leave this here. @kev
  10. Looking for some rich boys with max main OSRS accounts trying to play with Huskers, Dictate and me. hmu boys

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ninjaman427


      If you have a max main i'm sure you have money for some gear. 

    3. Egnazio


      I'm not max main but I'm close. You guys trying to fuck or?

    4. Arigato


      Tfw when your highest skill is level 70 :unsure:

  11. @Kyle^ :) I am sad to inform you that your inquiry to join The Inactives gang has been denied. That means you will not be granted our teamspeak IP.



  12. Don't understand why we can't just treat this as it is, a game. Fuck the politics just play and have fun. Quit getting butt-hurt over these petty things. @McDili You were dope IRL but this is some rat shit.

  13. Little baby face GOAT was the best chief hands down

  14. These kids are retarded. Andrew opened a snapchat 15 minutes ago.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      If the Snap was received and there wasn't a reply, then that's what I would be thinking  @McDili

      Of course, I've opened plenty of Snaps and not replied to them, so who knows? Somebody could be pulling the wool over our eyes.

    3. Ninjaman427


      51 minutes ago, McDili said:

      Probably the police investigating his phone for evidence of involvement.

      That's pretty reasonable right @Fat Clemenza?

      Yeah because police have the password to his phone.

    4. Tb:)


      hol up andrew? who? AndrewFam?

  15. #spawnsomewhereelse

  16. Comment/pm with your price and a pic of the house.
  17. You're supposed to make your offer.
  18. @Dante Can you like not close a support ticket if I need to reply to it?

    1. -dante-


      Can you like...add evidence to begin with? xd

  19. @G.O.A.T. Can you confirm this accusation? 


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Strugglebus
    3. Moose


      @G.O.A.T. For someone who voted and rooted for clitler you sure do like talking like her opponent... sad

  20. @Jesse Hey how are you daddy son boiy?


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