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Everything posted by platinumfire

  1. Well there's two sides to your opinion some people have been in the community for quite awhile and some feel the need to thank the people that have befriended them during their time here on the server. Tho i totally agree with your statement people have made a big deal about leaving the community in the past.
  2. What the fuck is your profile picture?

    1. I Am Fuzzy

      I Am Fuzzy

      a broom against a wall

    2. iPopsicle


      You need to purchase a new broom.

    3. Fuzy


      @Ignis It's one of those magical ones you ride on. 

  3. 1. IGN: Platinum 2. How did you find Olympus?: I was an Asylum rat and got banned then I found Olympus and stuck with it. 3. What is your favorite Olympus memory?: I think it was last summer and everyone on the server made a truce in the morning. We used the tags [WC] "World Coalition" and we did a massive Kavala takeover with literally 20+ players.
  4.   "Commendable User"

    Well my mission is finished.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. platinumfire


      to be honest only my last 100 where shit posts i view my self as a "Commendable User"

    3. HyperGoat
    4. Sociopathic


      congrats, but for fun I'd love to know how many of your posts are you saying "gl" to every new gang :P

  5. No, has not worked out and wont
  6. platinumfire

    My Stream

    My "viewers" its up for interpretation, 1 viewer could be the extent of his amount of "viewers"
  7. platinumfire

    My Stream

    Maybe he doesn't have the viewers to ask
  8. @Snare recorded and reported for lag switching
  9. Thats to bad you should get some new parts then
  10. All right guys time to post all those 4/20 memes you've seen today pest one i've see today
  11. Explain the fact that literally all of Vx got OS then they didn't just get it because they deserved it they had friends in there that had played with them and know their personality which makes it easier to hire them. Its the same with IRL job you can get a job easier if you know the people in the job your looking for, they give the manger the recommendation and boom they are hired same as here on Olympus
  12. So first off id like to say happy birthday to @G.O.A.T.. Ive started this post so we all can bask in this glorious day and to as well post the dankest memes that you guys know of @G.O.A.T. so that we can put together a little collage for his birthday. So guys lets break out those video archives/pictures and get posting.
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