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Everything posted by Chazz

  1. entered
  2. have a 2 crate on s2
  3. +1
  4. Chazz

    Selling Houses

    Ill buy the Dp3 house msg me
  5. Chazz

    Galati 4 Crater

    ^ how much
  6. only top tier players use mb5 zoom out and mb4 push to talk
  7. mk1 is 3 shots to T3
  8. yoo whats up cheese!


    1. T RAW

      T RAW

      Thanks man love you xoxoxoxox

  10. Have one of the closest 2 craters to frog fact 630M away And a house only 800 away from mushroom Pro Offer me nerds
  11. 1.01M Abdera
  12. if its a prebuilt it should have a warranty
  13. 2.01 mil
  14. ill be a nice guy and do 550K
  15. Looking for server 1 moonshine 4 craters and a garage would be danks too.
  16. Screenshots: https://gyazo.com/35e4ff64469472e21d73d7d34e1a6491 https://gyazo.com/eb64d14ac17adc9efcbc1c2dbf7bb057
  17. https://gyazo.com/3c20a4cc4dcf06faaabd98cf3a33a061
  18. Enter
  19. 200k
  20. 1. Most Dominate Gang : Titans 2. Favorite Player : Godaim 3. Favorite current APD Member : Dubvee 4. Favorite R&R Member : None 5. Favorite former APD member : Cake 6. Favorite former R&R : Me 7. Kavala Troll King : Rusty 8. Favorite time on the server : When I had to smash Chaos and Natsirt at cartels before fight cuz they bad 9. Funniest Moment : Flame nights w/ Badaim 10. Something you want in the community : Love 11. Favorite Quote : "Ima Fucking God" , "Euphoria" And last but not least ... " Bandaid .. its Badaim im going to kick u from the gang now d00d'
  21. Just accidently took a bite out of the hottest motherfu**ing wing from BWW and i almost threw up.

  22. can we please change the Hellcat to a reasonable price?

  23. I really need a calculator added onto my Y-menu LOL!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Drop


      I think this is a great idea.

    3. djwolf


      This would be a wasted resource. I am not in support of this.

    4. Chazz


      @djwolf ouch

  24. Monthly Donation Subscriptions are better than Global Donation.. PLz

    1. djwolf


      Unfortunately, due to Bohemia Interactive Studios' monetization rules and requirements, we are unable to do this.

    2. The Mountain

      The Mountain

      What if you did the old, subscribe to TS and a few perks in-game will be thrown your way. VIP pass that does nothing in TS and mohacks and stuff.

    3. djwolf


      @AnthonyGUnfortunately, due to Bohemia Interactive Studios' monetization rules and requirements, we are unable to do this.

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