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Olympus Plus
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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Kyle

    buying envgs

    how much you paying
  2. Kyle

    Selling bw gear

    suppressors are sold
  3. selling 3 7.62 suppresors and 1 envg
  4. 13k per point
  5. Kyle


    o7 ved
  6. 500k
  7. still selling envgs and dms
  8. Offer
  9. 32 spike strips 4 mx 4 mxm 3 spar16 3 cmr 1 mk1 1 mx 3gl 50 stones 1 envg2 3 7.62 sup 1 dms
  10. why is there still night on the server lmao

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JuanDeaged


      world may never know why staff wont get rid of it

    3. Monks


      free kyle shay

    4. Linka


      rOlEPLay eXPeRIence

  11. It’s to late to make a new server
  12. Kyle

    Selling ENVG-II

    idek who u are but ok
  13. offer
  14. You are a retard
  15. 50k
  16. Yes
  17. Add spar16 to rebel shop
  18. what is wrong with you
  19. Kyle


  20. bw is pointless needs new things added
  21. Offer
  22. offer
  23. 1 ENVG 3 7.62 sup 1 dms Tasers 4 MX 4 MXM 3 CMR 4 SPAR16 1 MK1 1 MX3GL 50 stones
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