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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. Anyone want to play some of The Forest with me? I have a dedicated server

  2. @McDili can we get @DashTonic a custom skin for his overall donations

  3. @McDili
    "For this donation goal only (Because I'm excited) if we meet the goal early, we will work to deliver the rewards early as well."

    1. DeadPool


      6 minutes ago, McDili said:

      n, remember how we said we needed a skin for the plane about a half hour ago for the next donation goal? Yeah uhm... so is it done or?"

      make it black or give it the Altis rebelion skin 

    2. bigPat


      haha, good shit.

  4. what the fuck Dash....

  5. I want to do a FTB server for a few people if anyone wants to join, I could use some help setting up

  6. GOOD STUFF 654DBEDCBA1C23ADA9131ED83DC3A350854D2EE0

    1. -dante-
    2. falcon


      2 hours ago, Dante said:



  7. So the RPG is wurf 1 mil. Each Rocket is worth 200k. That is the going rate.
  8. Hello dear can you take off your cloth? cloth offff

  9. this guy is smoking some real shit man
  10. not really worth more than 3.....
  11. @Pledge Exposed for being a shittter, Credit goes to @Tyrone Washington


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pledge


      Would like to say I didn't know we were at war....


      I realized after he killed me and yelled loudly "I JUST GOT ROOK BANGED BY A TERRORIST!"

    3. bigPat


      26 minutes ago, Pledge said:

      Would like to say I didn't know we were at war....


      I realized after he killed me and yelled loudly "I JUST GOT ROOK BANGED BY A TERRORIST!"

      Nice meme


      57 minutes ago, DeadPool1337 said:

      can confirm 


      Shut up loser. 


      1 hour ago, Hot Pocket said:

      Didn't expose shit. We already knew he was a shitter.


    4. Pledge


      @DeadPool1337 that's actually a pretty good KD for cop. I die twice, load lethals, and kill someone, then die. so a 1 for 1 when I have lethals.... so my KD without non lethal waves is like 1....


      I still suck tho...

  12. @Grandma Gary You fucked with the wrong dude, I rdmd your house :Kappa: https://gyazo.com/031589c81c790426f62fc48543a3f145

    1. DashTonic
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Lemme show you what we do to rdmers round these parts.

  13. I have a dp25 house for moonshine. Lots of cop gear as well. PM me
  14. I mean, I cant see the point in this. We already have the status update thing that people use for the exact same thing that a shoutbox would be used for.
  15. I have a spare hunter to sell if you want to make an offer
  16. Thats not a serious number right? @McDili
  17. 07 @Poseidon. Now that you are the new owner of the community @McDili, can we expect any changes whether big or small that will be taking place?
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