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Everything posted by bigPat

  1. There are only 2 different types of people in this world.....

    People that pee when they first get in the shower, and fucking liars!

  2. Usual Sunday night


  3. A usual Sunday night.... https://youtu.be/05--MQRrAaw
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RogueMK


      Was gunna say that cartel looked pretty empty but then that's the only time they go right? lol jks 

    3. bigPat


      I can put like all of CA or NSM or some other shit gang on the cap and do that. 

  4. Well.... rough start but nice outcome.
  5. Did anyone esle buy houses on s3 to actually use them? Or did everyone buy them to resell them?

  6. Abdera 4 crater and Garage s1. Make me an offer.
  7. @Grandma Gary will you look into why I can not seem to edit my signature?

    1. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Honestly you can blame Fat Clemenza, I had to butcher signature rules cause he is a bit special.

    2. bigPat


      Thankkkkks ma dude. 

  8. Who even is @Plumber pshh. Never heard of that guy b4 :KappaHD:

    1. Plumber


      Lol right!? Probably some guy that drinks a lot and puts on a cape and tries to act like Batman just to get mulled by pit bulls and is now retiring from the hero business 

  9. Watch out for the rats over there in Asia man, heard they were as big as dogs.
  10. When you get RDM tazed and vigid for 3.2mil.....feelsbad man:FeelsBad:

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. User_0000


      Im guessing your IQ level is under 70 because you thought i was 4 real 

    3. bigPat


      Good god...


    4. Rusty


      did u report them like you usually do rat?

  11. Is there a different way to edit forum signatures because I can not figure it out rn.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SPBojo
    3. -dante-


      Its the same for me. try refreshing or signing out and back in and see if it works.

    4. bigPat


      na still no option, after I re logged. This triggers me. . . 

  12. @chino Brih Sell it to him for 4.5 man. Ima try to get hyper's House and garage.
  13. @chino Brih do you have a garage with it or near?
  14. Well that would take hyper to be around.
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